1、COVER SLIDE: If you see this text, you must copy the swish graphic from a pre-built COVER slide and onto this slide. This text will no longer be visible if done correctly. DTZ colour palette Colour used for graphs and pie charts. Use the colours in the following order. R G B 0 61 121 2 R G B 86 155 2、190 3 R G B 110 95 63 4 R G B 84 117 141 5 R G B 109 132 173 6 R G B 107 185 195 7 R G B 163 199 219 8 R G B 158 137 137 9 R G B 157 171 187 10 R G B 172 183 210 11 The secondary colours can be accessed from the “Custom Colours” palette The secondary/accent colours should ONLY be used when reporting3、/using for financials graphics. R G B 0 139 152 1 If the TEXT and TAGLINE or LOGO are hidden behind the image. Select the image: Right Click Send to Back Send to Back If you have inserted this as a new slide, you will need to copy the swish image from a pre-built COVER slide and paste on to this slide. 重庆南温泉整体开发项目重庆南温泉整体开发项目 商业步行街发展定位建议报告商业步行街发展定位建议报告 PRIVATE 古镇依水而建,锦江与 鹿溪河在此交汇. 客群分析 固定客群:成都及周边城区居