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1、GAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN 高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05.06.2016目录 Table of Contents方案一 Option 1方案二 Option 2设计表现 Design Presentation18152139基地概况分析 Site Analysis案例分析 Case Study设计构思 Design Concept技术图纸 Design DrawingsPART APART BPART CPART DPART E立面方案一 Facade Option 1GAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CO2、NCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05/06/2016PAGE2A 设计表现 Design PresentationGAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05/06/2016PAGE3打造绿色、健康、活力和有趣的有机购物体验。使其与城市的自然之美保持一种有机关联,从而反复吸引人们的到来,并让顾客愿意每次停留更长的时间。To create an organic shopping experiences that is green,healthy,dynamic and fun.Resulting 3、in a cohesive relationship with the natural beauty of the city and attracting people repetitively and stay longer each time.GAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05/06/2016PAGE4流动富有韵律的形体与城市无缝对接,公共空间和景观空间的完美延伸。Fluid and rhythmic form connects with the city seamlessly,as perfect ex4、tension of public and landscape space.GAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05/06/2016PAGE5丰富的沿街立面让购物体验始于室外。Rich and colorful facade along the street initiates shopping experience from exterior environment.GAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05/06/2016PAGE6点5、亮城市夜晚,用引人注目的建筑形象创造商业价值。To light up the night of city,create values from attractive building impression.GAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05/06/2016PAGE7苏宁广场将成为城市中生动的、充满活力的体验式购物和娱乐中心。Suning Plaza will be a lively and vibrant experiential shopping and recreation hub in the city6、.GAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05/06/2016PAGE8B 基地概况分析 Site AnalysisGAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05/06/2016PAGE7LOCATION 区位 长三角后花园-高淳高淳区是南京市下辖的市辖区,位于南京市南部,是著名的江南鱼米之乡。总面积802平方公里,总人口43万。北邻溧水,东邻溧阳,西南与安徽郎溪、宣州、当涂毗邻。由固城湖、石臼湖和长江支流水阳江所环抱,东部为丘陵地区,西部为平原7、圩区总面积802平方公里,其中陆地面积约占70%,水域面积约占30%。被誉为南京的后花园和南大门,是世界慢城联盟授予的中国首个“国际慢城”、国际慢城联盟中国总部所在地,华东地区特色现代都市农业基地,长三角地区重要休闲旅游目的地,亦是长三角地区制造业服务枢纽和高端制造业配套基地。高淳区属北亚热带和中亚热带过渡季风气候区,四季分明,雨量充沛(年平均降雨量1157毫米),光照充足,年平均气温15.9。Gaochun District belongs to City of Nanjing in the south of Nanjing municipal area,whichi is a famous8、 land of plen-ty.The total area is 802 km,total population is 430,000.The location is in the south of Lishui,in the west of Liyang,in the northeast of Langxi,Xuanzhou and Dangtu of Anhui Province.Gaochun is enclosed by Gucheng Lake,Shijiu Lake and Shuiyang River which is branch of Yangtze River.The 9、eastern part of the district is hilly area and west-ern part is plain which is 802 km,which consist of 70%land area and 30%water area.Gaochun is called backyard and south gate of Nanjing,first international slow city in China,specialty modern urban agriculture base,important leisure destination and 10、center of manufacturing and service in Yangtze River Delta.Gaochun is in the transition area between north subtropical and middel subtropical climate zone,having four distinctive seasons and abundant rain-falls(average rainfall 1157mm per year)and sunlight,which has average yearly temparature in 15.11、9 C.上海南京NANJINGSHANGHAIHANGZHOU杭州YANGTZE RIVER DELTA BACKYARD-GAOCHUNGAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05/06/2016PAGE8LOCATION IN NANJING 六合区Liuhe DistrictPukou DistrictQixia DistrictJiangning DistrictDowntown NanjingLishui DistrictGaochun District浦口区栖霞区南京主城江宁区溧水区高淳区禄口机场宁高高速机12、场高速宁高新通道轻轨在南京市域的位置宁高高速和宁高新通道构成了连接高淳区和南京主城的主要通道。在建中连接禄口机场的轻轨S9线也将成为沟通南京和高淳的重要交通系统。高芜高速连接安徽省芜湖市,是长三角地区省际高速公路系统的重要组成部分。Ninggao Freeway and Ninggao New Highway constitute major methods to connect downtown of Nanjing with Gaochun.Under constructed Lightrail S9 will be also a major connection with Nanjing13、 in the future.Gaowu Freeway connects City of Wuhu in Anhui,which is an important part of freeway system in Yangtze River Delta.高淳在南京的位置 GAOCHUN IN NANJING高芜高速GAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05/06/2016PAGE9GAOCHUNS FEATURES 高淳特色“国际慢城”,长三角都市喧嚣中隐藏的城市后花园高淳油菜花节固城湖高淳老街湖光山色,都市休闲旅14、游目的地粉墙黛瓦,品味历史与现实的回音“World Slow City”,an urban backyard hidden behind the chaos in Yangtze River DelttaA landscape of lakes and mountains,a destination for relaxation and tourWhite walls and black tiles,feeling echo between history and realityGAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计15、05/06/2016PAGE10LOCATION IN GAOCHUN 在高淳城区的位置968734512本案位于高淳老城区中心地带,位于城市商业主干道宝塔路沿线,商圈集聚效应显著。便利的交通条件和周边的居住区和学校等单位为项目提供了充分的客源保证。同时基地西侧紧邻泮池公园,为建筑周边步行环境的营造和景观资源的利用创造了有利条件。The site is located in the center of Gaochun old city,along the major commericial street Baota Road,which gather effects from commeric16、al circle nearby.Convenient transportation methods,residential districts and schools nearby give enough customer base for the project.On the other hand,the site is just next to Panchi Park,which supply advan-tages for creating walkable environment and utilization of landscape resources.GAOCHUN SUNIN17、G PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05/06/2016PAGE11CONTEXT PHOTOS 周边环境147895623高淳区实验小学泮池园石桥国美电器华天购物广场高淳八佰伴南侧民居华天商贸城泮池园水中长廊泮池园水榭GAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05/06/2016PAGE12LOCATION IN GAOCHUN PANCHI PARK 在高淳城区的位置 泮池泮池园建于明弘治年间,立孔庙前之泮池上,处区中心地段。泮池东堤配植美国松、香樟、水杉、池杉、18、大叶黄杨为篱,张家塘堤岸配植碧桃垂柳,西堤配植蜀桧、海桐、小叶女贞、雪松等,绿树碧水,相得益彰。本案坐拥得天独厚景观资源,有利于将室内外购物空间和景观园林空间有机贯通,为建筑提供绝佳的景观朝向,形成城市休闲空间的共同体。Panchi Park was built in Ming Dynasty,locating Confucian Temple on the Pan Lake,which is the down-town of Gaochun.Each Dam plants Cedar,cinnamon leaf,metasequoia and aspen,Zhangs Dam plants 19、willow and West Dam plants juniperus chinensis,coralbean,ligustrum quihoui and cedar.Green trees and water bring out the best together.The project has exceptionally advantaged lanscape resource,which is good for connecting interior retail space and exterior landscape space.It gives excellent lanscap20、e views for the building,shaping mixed urban leisure space together.泮池公园 PANCHI PARK基地沿泮池公园立面SITE ELEVATION ALONG PANCHI PARKGAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05/06/2016PAGE13SITE RESEARCH 场地分析PRIMARY&SECONDARY ROADS 主次干道交汇顾客人流商圈效应景观资源PEDESTRIAN INFLOWLANDSCAPE ADJACENCYRETAI21、L CIRCLEGAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05/06/2016PAGE14SUMMER SOLSTICE:84夏天太阳高度角:84度NSWEWINTER SOLSTICE:34冬天太阳高度角:34度YEARLY PREVAILING WIND:EAST WIND常年主导风向:偏东风YEARLY SECONDARY WIND:SE WIND常年次要风向:东南风YEARLY SECONDARY WIND:NE WIND常年次要风向:东北风CLIMATE RESEARCH 气候分析高淳气候属北亚热带季风气候型。22、年平均气温16.4C,极端最高气温为39.7C,极端最低气温为-10.0C。年平均降水量为1253.2毫米,约51%降水都集中在汛期的69月间。年平均日照时数1984.1小时,光照充足,有利于农作物生长。常年主导风向为偏东风,东北风和东南风次之,年平均风速以东北偏东风最大,东北偏北风次之。Gaochun is in north of subtropical monsoon zones.Yearly average temperature is 16.4C,max temp is 39.7C,min temp is-10.0C.Yearly average precipitation is 1223、53.2mm,about 51%of rain falls be-tween June and September.Average sunlight hours is 1984.1 hrs,which is abundant sunlight level that good for agriculture planting.Yearly prevailing wind direction is from east side,secondary ones are from southeast and northeast.Yealy highest wind speed is Northeast-24、East Wind,Northeast-North wind is the second one.高淳气候概况 GAOCHUN CLIMATE GAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05/06/2016PAGE15C 案例分析 Case StudyGAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05/06/2016PAGE16怡丰城 VIVO CITY地址Location:Harbour Front,Bukit Merah,Singapore建筑师A25、rchitect:Toyo Ito总面积Total area:150,000 m2怡丰城(英语:VivoCity)位于新加坡港湾区,由日本建筑师伊东丰雄设计,其名字来源于 英文的活泼,生动 之意。怡丰城建筑设计理念是:一种现代的购物中心,吸引人们欢聚此地。怡丰城独特的标志性建筑形态不同于其他的现有的火柴盒一般的商业建筑,它提供许多特别的户外场所,300米长的海滨长廊户外用餐和大型的屋顶露天剧场。天空公园自从开业以来一直大受欢迎。游乐园和商场中的开放空间很受家庭和孩子的欢迎。天空公园有一个露天剧场,并在那里举行盛大开幕式。这也是看圣淘沙的最佳观景点。怡丰城的设计使得它能够容纳300住户,其中包括26、许多新进入市场的品牌和零售概念。VivoCity is the largest shopping mall in Singapore.Located in the HarbourFront precinct of Bukit Merah,it was designed by the Japanese architect Toyo Ito.Its name is derived from the word vivacity.VivoCity s architectural design concept is evoking a lifestyle experience that is moder27、n,stimulating and accessible to everyone,a place bubbling with energy and flowing with vitality”VivoCitys iconic architecture sets it apart from the traditional box format of many existing retail developments in the region as it includes event spaces,al fresco dining by the 300 m long Promenade and 28、a large roof-top amphitheatre.The Sky Park has been a popular place for all walks of life since its opening.The Play Court and the open spaces in the mall are popular with families and children.The Sky Park has an Amphitheatre and was where the grand opening was held.It is also a place popular to vi29、ew Sentosa.VivoCitys design allows it to accommo-date over 300 tenants,including many new-to-market brands and retail concepts.GAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05/06/2016PAGE17徐汇万科中心XUHUI WANKE CENTER地址Location:Shanghai,China建筑师Architect:Benoy总面积Total area:328,000 m2这标志性建筑坐落30、在毗邻上海铁路南站的黄金地段。该设计分为三个阶段,连接6个商业街区,旨在创建一个新的城市综合体一70000平方米的城市景观。三个阶段由一绿色山谷相连。模拟流动的景观的形态,在十万平方米多层的商业裙楼组成相互连接的建筑网络。裙房分裂成各个小块,创造出独特的零售,餐饮,休闲,艺术空间。This landmark development sits at a prime location adjacent to the Shanghai South Railway Station.The project is developped in 3 phases,connecting six commerci31、al blocks,the scheme aims to create a new urban complex set within a 70,000m2 landscaped realm.The three phases are connected by a mile-long green valley which runs diagonally across the site.Mimicking the forms of the rolling landscape,the 100,000m2 multi-level retail podium is a network of interco32、nnected buildings.The podium has been fragmented into a collection of curved individual blocks,each carved out to create unique spaces for Retail,Food and Beverage,Leisure and Arts tenants.GAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05/06/2016PAGE18难波公园并非传统意义上的公园,其层层仄仄,是一座看起来如同空中园一样的完美33、建筑。原址是一座棒球馆,位于大阪传统热闹商业区的现代建筑,邻近难波火车站,离机场一站之遥,将城际列车、地铁等交通枢功能与办公、酒店、住宅完美结合,是日本开发成功的城市综合体的代表项目。它是一个购物中心与办公楼的综合体。远看该建筑是一个斜坡公园,从街道地平面上升至8层楼的高度,建筑与屋顶相结合,层层推进、绿树茵茵,仿佛是游离于城市之上的自然绿洲,与周围线形建筑的冷酷风格形成强烈对比,成为嘈杂背景下的一处生动、温馨的街景。Namba Parks is not a traditional park.The shape and slope,looks a skygarden located in ci34、ty center.When Osakas baseball stadium closed its doors,it opened the door to a prime redevelopment opportunity in a new commercial district adjacent to Namba Train Station,the first stop from Kansai Airport.Given the location,owner Nankai Electric Railway asked Jerde to create a gateway that would 35、redefine Osakas identi-ty.Namba Parks is a sample for Japans urban redevelopment.It is a mixt-use;itis a large park,a natural intervention in Osakas dense and harsh urban condition.The project features a lifestyle commercial center crowned with a rooftop park that crosses multiple blocks while gradu36、al-ly ascending eight levels.In addition to providing a highly visible green component in a city where nature is sparse,the sloping park connects to the street,welcoming passers-by to enjoy its groves of trees,clusters of rocks,cliffs,lawn,streams,waterfalls,ponds and outdoor terraces.Beneath the pa37、rk,a canyon carves an experiential path through special-ty retail,entertainment and dining venues.Namba Parks creates a new natural experience for Osaka that celebrates the interaction of people,culture and recreation.难波公园NAMBA PARKS地址Location:Osaka,Japan建筑师Architect:Jerde Partnership总面积Total area:238、43,800 m2GAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05/06/2016PAGE19MVRDV的Maquinnext思考一种新型的购物中心形式,地下购物中心,地面为公共公园。该为巴塞罗那设计的购物中心,把必须的公共公园与零售居住单元结合在一块。地面上,游客和住户可以看见郁郁葱葱的森林,地面下,却是一个充满活力的商业空间。MVRDVs Maquinnext is how we think all shopping centers should be-underground and topped with a lus39、h public park.De-signed for Barcelona,the shopping center is designed to provide much-needed park space along with retail and residential components.From above,passersby and residents can only see a forest,but hidden below is a network of energy-efficient com-mercial spaces.MAQUINNEXT地址Location:Barc40、elona,Spain建筑师Architect:MVRDV总面积Total area:N/AGAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05/06/2016PAGE20森林城市位于东南亚地理与经济中心,战略位置极佳,是理想的全球商业与文化新中心。设计旨在增强生活与工作平衡的生活方式,吸引金融机构、高新科技研发、公司总部与各类创意产业,为区域建立一个创新、可持续的就业基地。森林城市创造了全新的模式,将公共空间安置于基础设施平台顶层,通过步行为主的屋顶网络连接各公园和花园,贯穿整个开发。这个方法将公共景观作为连续城市平台的组成41、部分,它将成为森林城的个性标志,创造世界上最大的绿色屋顶系统。除了屋顶景观的功能,平台公园还提供本地栖息区,过滤并净化雨洪,同时为连续的无机动车公共环境带来休闲机会。Strategically located adjacent to the economic powerhouse of Singapore,Forest City is a new global cluster of commerce and culture.Designed to cultivate a live/work lifestyle,it is comprised of financial institutions,42、technology and biotech research facilities,and a variety of creative industries that will establish an innovative and sustainable employ-ment base providing an estimated 220,000 new jobs in southern Malaysia.Forest City offers a new paradigm for the public realmlinking the entire development is a pe43、destrian-centric rooftop network of interconnected parks and gardens located on the top level of the infrastructure podium.This approach establishes a publically accessible landscape as a continuous urban structure and is a defining element of Forest City,creating the worlds largest green roof syste44、m.Beyond a simple rooftop landscape,the podium parks provide native habitat zones,filter and cleanse stormwater,and provide recreational opportunities in an entirely automobile-free public realm.森林城市FOREST CITY地址Location:Iskandar Development Region,Malaysia建筑师Architect:SASAKI总面积Total area:3,425 acre45、sGAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05/06/2016PAGE21D 设计构思 Design ConceptGAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05/06/2016PAGE22流动的富有诗意的外观概念深深地受城市的地理位置(位于两省交界)以及邻近公园丰富的水资源的启示。流动是他们的共同主题,同时也是体验式购物中心的特征。建筑的曲线外轮廓顺应基地复杂的边界线。它创造一种有机的形式引导人们更深层次地探索基地内部,把人流引入到基地深处,以46、解决在只有北面一条主要道路前提下如何吸引大量人流到基地深处的难题。这对于商业成功非常重要,尤其是对于出售的步行街商铺。外墙材料由不同质感的水平向石材和玻璃组成。这两种对比强烈的材料结合其背后的功能相穿插。动态的外立面以每层为单元凹凸有序,创造出不同的露天阳台,是餐饮、社交和观景的绝佳去处。一切看似自然的流动,均在战略上与背后的功能相结合。这种有机的形式与紧邻的公园完美结合,是该公园的自然延伸。外观的设计灵感主要来自以下元素“长三角后花园”的城市美誉;邻近公园的水资源与自然美景;生动的、充满活力的体验式购物与娱乐中心。Fluid and dynamic form of the exterior 47、concept deeply inspired by the geographic location of the city(at the boarder of two provinces)and the abundant water element in the park next door.Movement is the common theme of them as well as the lifestyle retail.The curvilinear form of the center works well with the complex site boundary lines.48、It creates an organic form that lead people exploring more deep inside of the site,to bring foot traffic deep into the site,trying to solve the challenges of this deep site with only one major road at north.It is very effective for retail concept,especially for the for sale pedestrian street retails49、.The exterior material composed of stone and glasses.Two very contrast material integrated based on the functions behind.The dynamic form moves in and out at different levels and creates different out door terraces which are great place for dining,drinking,socializing and scenic view.All seem very n50、aturally done but strategically combined with the functions behind.The organic form works very well with the park next door,it is a natural extension of the park.设计手法 一 流动的富有诗意的外观:形态、颜色和纹理Fluid Exterior Architecture:form,color and textureGAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05/051、6/2016PAGE23Washing Ink Yangtza Delta,Rhythmic Building水墨江南,韵动建筑建筑的曲线轮廓与复杂的基地肌理和西侧泮池园的水景交相辉映。如同水墨边缘消隐的效果,建筑不同楼层的变化轮廓形成的退台和城市环境柔性相接,形成了建筑和城市环境的良性交流。Buildings curvilinear edges have harmonious relationship with city comlicated fabric and water body in Panchi Park in the west side.Like the gradient eff52、ect on the edge of washing ink,buildings variance of outlines on different levels forms terraces to connect with urban enviroment smoothly,creating optimal communication between build-ing and city.FORM STRATEGY 形体策略GAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05/06/2016PAGE24GAOCHUN SUN53、ING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面方案概念设计05/06/2016SITEPLAN场地平面GAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05/06/2016PAGE25为了吸引人们进入并探索这个中心,我们尝试用以下几种方法连接室内与室外空间:延续室外立面材料和铺地材料一直到室内的空间,特别是在关键的广场和入口位置;在不同楼层设置多个露天阳台,提供观赏室外环境的机会,以及作为一种商业战略被人们所看见。这与商贸城的商业设计构思完美结合:该中心是一个将消费者与自然以及购物捆绑在一54、起的有机连接器。要创建一种探讨消费者内心深处需求的独特的有机购物体验:充满幻想、探险、交易、安全、健康、以及与朋友和家人度过有趣欢乐的时光。In order to attract people to explore the center,we try to connect indoor space to the outdoor space through sever-al ways:the continue exterior material and pavement extent to the interior space;especially at the key plazas and e55、ntry locations;multi outdoor terraces at different levels,opportunities to see and to be seem as a retail strategy;It works very well with the retail concept:The Center is an organic connector that tied people together with the nature and merchandise.To create a unique organic shopping experience wh56、ich explores the deep inside needs of a consumer:full of fantasy,exploring,deal making,safe,healthy,and fun time with friends and families.设计手法 二 内外贯通的空间规划In and out Space planningGAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05/06/2016PAGE26PANCHI PARKEXCHANGE OF VIEWSEXCHANGE OF ACTIVI57、TEISConnection between Commercial and Public Space商业空间与公共空间的连接泮池公园视线交流活动交流建筑同泮池公园在城市中心地带互相衬托,互为背景。底层通过沿湖景观带同公园无缝连接,为区域内的活动提供了更多可能性。退台设计为建筑使用者创造了观赏优美自然景观的机会,也为室内外空间发生的活动提供了视线上的交流,增强了建筑本身在环境当中的吸引力。室内外有机的空间关系为建筑的运营奠定了良好的基础。Building and Panchi Park set off each other,being background each other.Bottom l58、evel is connected with the park seamlessly by landscape area along the lake,creating more active possibilities for this area.Terrace design gives chances for user to look out to beautiful natural views,and builds visual communication between interior and exterior activities,making the building be at59、tractive in the environment.Organic spatial relationship set a good base for the operation of building.SPATIAL STRATEGY 空间策略GAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05/06/2016PAGE27高淳是一个四季分明,有着充沛的雨水和阳光之城。花园城市的昵称也深深地延伸到此项目中。屋顶花园和不同的楼层的绿色露天阳台,下沉式的广场和花园将日照带入地下室的购物体验,以及有不同的雨水收集器,这些水将被用来60、灌溉绿化景观。整个中心是泮池公园的一个自然延伸,从地面一直到屋顶上。不同露台的植物创造了一种经济且易维护的绿墙效果。在购物中心公共场所广泛使用的天窗以及在屋顶的太阳能板将给该中心提供丰富的自然光和电能,这些都是提供有机购物体验概念的一部分。连续的金属屋顶挑檐沿着外立面蜿蜒起伏,为四层的美食楼层提供有效的遮阳装置,同时从整体上统一、强化了有机建筑和购物的理念。Gaochun is a four season city with abundant rain and sunshine.The garden city nickname is also extend deeply into this p61、roject.The roof garden and green out door terraces hang up there at different floors,the sunken plazas bring the daylight into basement shopping experience as well as location for different rain water collectors,these water then be used to irrigate the landscape.The whole center is an extensive exte62、nsion of the park next door,from ground all the way to the roof top.Planters at different terraces create green wall effect in an economic and easy to maintain way.The extensive use of skylights at the retail common spaces as well as solar panels at the roof top will provide the center with abundant63、 natural light and electric power,again part of the organic shopping experience concept.The continuous roof canopies follows the building form and is an effective sun shading device for the more glassy fourth floor usage.It also unitized and strength the organic concept as a whole.设计手法 三 绿色和节能设计Gree64、n and energy designGAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05/06/2016PAGE28CIRRUS PLANTERRAIN WATERCOLLECTIONPANCHI PARKGREENSHADING GREEN ROOF&SOLAR PANELSExtension of Green Space场地周围的泮池公园是绿色设计的缘起和载体,建筑作为环境的有机延伸利用生态设计策略将优美的自然环境带入到建筑环境中来。运用垂直绿化,雨水收集,光伏发电,遮阳格栅等技术手段,保持项目开发潜力和全生命周期内的效65、益可持续性。Panchi Park is the origin of green design.The project utilizes sustainable design strategies to bring natural environ-ment onto the building environement.By using technologies like vertical greening,rainwater collection,solar panels and shading louvers,keeping the development potential and pro66、fit sustainablity in full life-time cycle.SUSTAINABLE DESIGN STRATEGY可持续设计策略绿色延伸雨水收集植物露台绿色遮阳绿色屋顶和太阳能板泮池公园GAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05/06/2016PAGE2912345Photovoltaic cells can be implemented in many ways,most commonly as solar panels located on roofs or facades.They ha67、rvest the natural power from the sun,and provide clean energy to offset energy consumption.Diffused DaylightingBringing natural light into interior spaces results in a more enjoyable and profitable development.Daylighting brings light through structure in light wells and uses capillary slabs to even68、ly disperse light into the interior space.Capillary slabs prevent visual and thermal hot spots unlike traditional skylights.Solar Fiber OpticsSimilar to daylighting,solar fiber optics bring natural sunlight into interior spaces.Solar fiber optics are capable of bringing light farther distances and r69、equire less volume than tradition skylights and light wells.Sun Control FacadeIntegrating louvres,awnings,and fins into the facadehelps prevent the building from absorbing solar heat during peak hours of solar intensity which helps control building temperature.Low E GlazingLow E glazing refracts hea70、t back towards its source.In the summer,it helps prevent solar heat from penetration the building while in the winter it prevents internal heat from escaping.Photovoltaic Cells太阳能电池在屋顶及立面上放置太阳能光伏电池板,从太阳光中吸收太阳能,产生清洁能源,实现节能减排的目的。漫射日光通过引进自然光线,营造舒适、宜人的室内空间。采光井、散光板等的应用,将自然光线均匀的分散在室内各处。与传统天窗相比,散光板可以避免视觉及能71、量热点的产生。太阳光学纤维与自然采光系统相似,太阳光学纤维将自然光线引入室内空间。与传统天窗和采光井相比,太阳光学纤维具有远距离传输、体积较小等优势。阳光控制立面立面利用百页、遮阳棚、遮阳板等,避免楼体在日光集中照射时间吸收过多的太阳热量,从而 实现控制建筑温度的目的。镀膜反射玻璃镀膜反射玻璃将热量折射回去,夏天,避免太阳热量渗入建筑,冬天,阻止内部热量的发散。SUSTAINABLE DESIGN STRATEGY可持续策略678910Reusing Grey WaterMany processes do not require potable water.Flushing toilets,f72、illing fountains,watering plants,and cleaning floors can all be done with “grey”water,which is water that has already served a function on site,such as excess water from drinking fountains,or collected rain.This water can be collected,filtered and reused.Controlling RunoffRunoff is water from the su73、rface of the development which travels topublic stormwater drains.Runoff picks up pollutants on its journey and takes longer before it is usable again by the public.Controllinghow much water ends in the public system through porous surface materials,soakaways,and on site collection,allows water to s74、tay the natural water cycle or be reused immediately.SoakawaysA soakaway is an intentional,deep ditch filled with loose material like stones that allows water to soak through quickly.Water runs off ofwalking surfaces like with a typical drain,but the water remains in the natural water cycle instead 75、of being channeled to the public system.They can be attractively incorporated into landscaping as well.Rain CollectionRain water retention allows rain to be harvested and reused for irrigation or other grey water applications which is energy efficient and cost effective.Green RoofGreen Roofs help re76、gulate the interior building temperature which reduces energy consumption.They also reduce the heat island effect in urban areas and oxygenate the environment.Plus,the drainage system required for a green roof can double as part of a rain water collection and filtration system.灰水再利用许多功能并不需要用水达到饮用水标准77、,如马桶冲刷、喷泉、植物、清洗地板等,以上流程可以通过灰水的收集、过滤并再次利用来实现。控制径流水在径流水从地表流向公共排水管道过程中收集污染物,经长时间生态循环再次被人们利用。通过渗透性的表面材质、渗水坑、地表采集等手段,来实现控制径流水的目的,建立生态水循环体系,加速水的再利用过程。渗水坑渗水坑是一个人造的深坑,中间填满石头等材质,可以允许水快速渗入。表面上看,水从地表流入排水管道,但是水仍在自然水系中进行循环,而不是排入公共排水系统。同时渗水坑也被景观绿化系统所利用。雨水采集雨水采集系统使得雨水可以被收集起来,并再次利用于灌溉及其他灰水系统,降低了能源的消耗并减少了成本支出.绿化屋顶绿化78、屋顶可以调节室内温度,从而降低能源消耗,降低城市的热岛效应与二氧化碳的排放。此外,绿化屋顶的排水系统有效的补充雨水采集与过滤系统。85品 质 给 城 市 更 多 改 变华润置地华润置地2011.06.14青 岛 市 浮 山 后 项 目 概 念 规 划 设 计Fushanhou Conceptual master Planning-Qingdao,China可持续性建筑策略sustainbility strategiesGAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05/06/2016PAGE30至关重要的是,我们所设计的外观79、应当为改善整体的购物体验作出贡献。它是关于创造一个有趣的、充满活力和健康的购物氛围,以吸引人们并让他们停留更长的时间。除了上述三个领域的措施,其它包括:在街道层面和公共场所广泛使用透明的玻璃,以向外展示室内的活动和商品橱窗;探索沿公园一侧有趣且舒适的户外购物体验;在两个主要的拐角位置以两个巨大的展示屏,从城市的尺度远距离地给公众带来乐趣和动态的购物刺激;同时众多的LED屏幕,商业标识和广告美图吸引穿梭在街上的人群,广场上和沿着公园一侧有可装饰的零售亭,直接让购物体验起始于室外。It is very critical that all we designed at the exterior sh80、all contribute to the improvement of the overall retail experience.It is about to create a fun,dynamic and healthy retail atmosphere,to draw people in and have them to stay here longer.Besides all approaches at the above three areas,additional effort including extensive use of window displays at str81、eet level,very trans-parent glasses at key fun or common spaces,to reveal the indoor activities to the outside;explore the fun and comfortable outdoor re-tail shopping experiences along the park side;the two gigantic show boxes at the two main corner locations bring the fun and dynamic retail excite82、ment to the public at city scale;while many LED screens as well as retail logos and commercials attract people from the street level,decorative retail kiosks at plaza and along the park side start the retail experience right on the outdoor spots.设计手法 四购物气氛营造Retail atmosphere creationGAOCHUN SUNING P83、LAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05/06/2016PAGE31ACTIVE SHOWING AND FLEXIBLE EXPERIENCE主动展示和柔性体验沿街商业界面RETAIL STOREFRONT建筑在北侧沿主干道的立面上布置大型屏幕和展示广告载体,用鲜明的视觉冲击从远距离抓住顾客的注意力,吸引顾客参与到购物活动中来。同时在底层利用细分建筑体量的变化来贴近步行空间的尺度,提供有趣味的室外购物体验The project puts large LED screens and advertisement showbox along the 84、main artery street.By using bright visu-al impact from distance to catch customers attention,the elevation could attract people to participate in shopping activities.At the same time,the ground level building massing is subdivided to meet the scale of walking activities,giving interesting exterior s85、hopping experience.RETAIL STRATEGY零售气氛营造策略PEDESTRIAN PATHRETAIL KIOSKSUNING SYMBOL LOCATIONMAJOR TRAFFIC DIRECTIONGROUND LEVEL BUILDING EDGEADVERTISEMENT SHOWBOXLED SCREEN步行路线室外零售亭苏宁标志位置主要交通流量方向底层建筑轮廓广告展示显示屏GAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05/06/2016PAGE32基于现有的商业平面规划,我们沿着项目的86、东侧添加一个汽车停靠排队区域:它将成为主要的落客区之一,为顾客提供方便,以及减少沿着公共街道的交通流量。与此排队区域所结合,我们还增加了一个中心东侧的入口,以方便顾客和可以作为电影院的主要入口。在公园一侧,我们重新安排户外广场和下沉广场,让它们与建筑、公园和购物体验的关系更加的有机。这使得并吸引更多的人群自如的流动到购物中心。所有的主要购物入口都以不同的方法来强调:从上方巨大的展示屏,到更大和有吸引力的入口大檐篷,以及前方的广场。以引导人流快速进入购物中心Based on the existing retail plan proposal,we add a queue areas along 87、the east side of the project:It becomes the main drop off areas for consumers,provide convenience for customers as well as reduce the traffic along the public street.Combined with this queue area,we add one more entrance along the east side of the center.It can be the main entrance for the movie cin88、emas.At the park side,we re-arranged the outdoor plaza and sunken plazas,they are much more organic in relationship with the building,park and retail experiences.It allows and attracts more people move to the retail center freely.All major retail entrances have been greatly emphasized with different89、 methods:from grand show box above,bigger and attractive entry canopies and plazas in front of them.设计手法 五交通和流线的组织Traffic and circulation organizationGAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05/06/2016PAGE33OPTIMIZING CIRCULATIONS优化动线由于北侧落客处靠近宝塔路车行主干道,容易引起交通拥堵,因此在东侧增加一个车行落客区域,将喧闹的车行90、交通引向场地内侧,并成为电影院的主要入口。重新规划的下沉广场形态更加有机,更加符合人群步行路径规律,吸引顾客在此进行购物和观景的双重体验。Since the only drop-off area is close to the artery road Baota Road,which is easy to cause traffic jam in front of entry plaza,the project add another drop-off area in the east of the building.It could be the entrance for the cinem91、a,too.Re-shaped sunken plaza becomes more organic to fit the walking pattern of pedestrians,attracting customers to stay here to experience both shopping and viewing.SITE CIRCULATION STRATEGY场地交通策略PEDESTRIAN PATHVEHICLE PATH&DROP-OFFGROUND LEVEL BUILDING EDGEBUILDING ENTRANCE步行路线步行路线和落客区底层建筑轮廓建筑入口GA92、OCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05/06/2016PAGE34沿泮池公园下沉广场Sunken plazas along Panchi ParkGAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05/06/2016PAGE35沿宝塔路场地东北角视图View from the northeast street corner along Baota RoadGAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁93、广场外立面概念设计05/06/2016PAGE36宝塔路沿街视图View along the Baota RoadGAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05/06/2016PAGE37沿宝塔路场地西北角视图View from the northwest street corner along Baota RoadGAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05/06/2016PAGE38场地西北角鸟瞰图Birds eye view from no94、rthwest GAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05/06/2016PAGE39E 技术图纸 Design DrawingsGAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05/06/2016PAGE40SITEPLANGAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面方案概念设计05/06/2016SITEPLAN场地平面GAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONC95、EPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05/06/2016PAGE41TYPICAL LEVEL FLOOR PLAN OUTLINE 1:1000标准层平面轮廓 1:1000PROPERTY LINEPROPOSED BUILDING OUTLINEMUTI-LEVEL SETBACK 建筑红线设计建筑轮廓多层建筑退让线FLOOR PLAN平面图GAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05/06/2016PAGE42SOUTH ELEVATIONWEST ELEVATION南立面西立面ELEVATION96、 RENDERING立面效果图GAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05/06/2016PAGE43NORTH ELEVATIONEAST ELEVATION北立面东立面ELEVATION RENDERING立面效果图GAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05/06/2016PAGE44NORTH ELEVATION 1:600WEST ELEVATION 1:600北立面 1:600西立面 1:600ELEVATION RENDERING97、立面效果图GAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05/06/2016PAGE45立面方案二 Facade Option 2GAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05/06/2016PAGE46GAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05/06/2016PAGE47GAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05/06/2016PAGE48GAOCHUN SUNING PLAZA FACADE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN高淳苏宁广场外立面概念设计05/06/2016PAGE49
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