1、AGRICULTURE CHAIN ACTIVATIONLANDSCAPE ANALYSISHIGH SPEED PLUG-IN CBDBUILDING FORMHUMAN SCALE TODMOBILITYVILLE ON CHAIN 耦园链城景观分析耦园:农业园复兴链交通组织建筑形体 链城:公交快环 TOD链城:高速接入的商务区耦园:农业园复兴链CHAIN OF AGROPARK02/10/01/09/03/11/04/12/CONTENTPEOPLE_MOUNTAIN_SEA CIVIC CENTER CENTRAL BUSSINES DISTRICTPHASESVILLAGES PLA2、NNINGRIVER,BEACHPLANNING STRUCTURE 开发时序滨河,海滩链城:山海市民中心空间结构规划结构村镇规划SPATIAL STRUCTUREADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT06/14/05/13/07/15/08/16/第1区:中央商务区第8区:行政区 耦园链城 VILLE ON CHAIN01/愿景:耦园链城 VISION:VILLE ON CHAIN The new city model of Ville-on-Chain consists of a dual-chain typology,the mobility chain of 12 urban 3、districts and the eco chain of 8 agri-parks being spatially intertwined into each other,while the original villages,act as acupuncture points of the dual chains,are kept and morphed into new hybrids,either urban village or village in agri-park.The new high speed train station,at the crossing point o4、f the dual chains,is the core knotting the dense urbanity and the rich agriculture landscape.A water channel followed eco corridor system connects the mountain groups to the sea front.“耦园链城”,是一个双链环空间耦合结构,由一条高效公交系统链接的12个分布式城区与一条由生态廊道链接的8个新型农业园构成;保留现有村落作为双链环的气穴,并有机更新为两种新型混合业态:城中村与新型农业园村落;双链环的交汇点为新的高铁站5、,汇聚了高密度城市与农耕景观等要素资源;而遵循以水流为导向的生态廊道系统则将山海连通。八个农业园组成的生态链 快速公交环线链接十二个城区“耦园链城”是一个耦合双链式的新城市模型田园链城区链耦园链城 Eco chain of 8 agro-parksMobility chain of 12 urban districtsThe new city model of Ville-on-Chain consists of a dual-chain typologyCHAIN OF AGROPARKSVILLE ON CHAINsD1D2D3D4D5D6D7D8D10D11D12D9AAABACAFAG6、AHAEADCHAIN OF DISTRICTS耦园链 城 V I L L E O N C H A I N 601/第1区:中央商务区 CENTRAL BUSSINES DISTRICT1第8区:行政区 DISTRICT 8:ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICT8第9区:滨海区 DISTRICT 9:SEA FRONT DISTRICT9第10区:现代服务区 DISTRICT 10:MODERN SERVICES DISTRICT10 第11区:高端居住区 DISTRICT 11:HIGH END HOUSING11 第12区:会议中心区 DISTRICT 12:CONVENTION7、S AND METTINGS12 第2区:大学科创园 UNIVERSITY RESEARCH PARK2AGROPARK A:SOCIAL AGRICULTURE AND TOURISM A 园:社会农业与旅游A B 园:社会农业与研究 AGROPARK B:SOCIAL AGRICULTURE AND RESEARCHBC园:生态旅游与联合办公 AGROPARK C:ECO-TOURISM AND ENVIRO-COWORKING CE园:能源与农业 AGROPARK E:ENERGY AND FARMINGE D 园:体育与文化 AGROPARK D:SPORT AND CULTURED 8、H 园:体育与农业 AGROPARK H:SPORT AND AGRICULTUREHF园:植物园与旅游 AGROPARK F:BOTANIC AND TOURISMFG园:美食 AGROPARK G:GASTRONOMYG第3区:赤石镇 CONFLUENCE CULTURAL VILLAGE 3第4区:滨河科技区 DISTRICT 4:TECH HUB RIVERSIDE4第5区:赤石河西岸社区 DISTRICT 5:HOUSING WEST RIVERSIDE4第6区:赤石河东岸社区 DISTRICT 6:HOUSING EAST RIVERSIDE6第7区:孵化谷 DISTRITCT 79、:INCUBATOR VALLEY7总平面图MASTERPLANResidential住宅与商业Commercial商业与办公Public公共设施Village村落59%21%15%5%SURFACE m2地块面积%PROJECT SITE项目场地51 599013100MOUNTAINS山地1596255930WATER水体554904810AGRO PARKS 农业园744572214.5PARKS农业14804473DISTRICTS城区1468804432INFRASTRUCTURE基础设施31550486NATURE自然33181454.5TOTAL GFA总建筑面积4082156910、 FAR 容积率0.79场地综合比较MOUNTAINS 山地AGRICULTURE 农业WATER 山地NEW LAND FOR DEVELOPMENT 开发新增用地VILLAGES 村落INFRASTRUCTURE基础设施 开发前开发后SITE SYNTHESIS COMPARISONBEFORE AFTER02040608010002040608010012 个城区,8个农业园12 DISTRICTS&8 AGROPARKSD4面积 Area:927 130 sq.m人口 Inhabitants:37 000工作 Working:15 000总建筑面积 GFA :1966339 FAR 容11、积率:2.1D3面积 Area:1 658 022 sq.m人口 Inhabitants:40 000工作 Working:20 000 总建筑面积 GFA :2719000 FAR 容积率:1.6D5面积 Area:407 437 sq.m人口 Inhabitants:15 000工作 Working:5 000 总建筑面积 GFA :761656 FAR 容积率:1.9D2面积 Area:1 323 609 sq.m人口 inhabitants:35 000工作 working:20 000 总建筑面积 GFA :2845862 FAR 容积率:2.210耦园链 城 V I L L EO 12、NC H A I N人口工作POPULATIONJOBSThe Ville-on-Chain project is a binary chain of 8 agro-parks and 12 urban districts spatially interwined with each other creating an enhanced balance between city and nature.“耦园链城”方案是由8个农业园区和12个城区耦合而成的双链环,在空间上相互交织,创造了人、城市与自然的和谐共生。D1面积 Area:3 145 450 sq.m人口 Inhabitants:17513、 000工作 Working:120 000 总建筑面积 GFA :7843546 FAR 容积率:2.5D12面积 Area:1 772 250 sq.m人口 Inhabitants:60 000工作 Working:25 000 总建筑面积 GFA :4089864 FAR 容积率:2.3D11面积 Area:499 976 sq.m人口 Inhabitants:10 000工作 Working:1000总建筑面积 GFA :327270 FAR 容积率:0.7D10面积 Area:1 558 460 sq.m人口 Inhabitants:90 000工作 Working:50 000 总14、建筑面积 GFA :4715324 FAR 容积率:3.0D9面积 Area:1 493 633 sq.m人口 Inhabitants:75 000工作 Working:30 000 总建筑面积 GFA :4908713 FAR 容积率:2.7D7面积 Area:1 348 063 sq.m人口 Inhabitants:100 000工作 Working:20 000 总建筑面积 GFA :3992647 FAR 容积率:3.0D8面积 Area:1 727 855 sq.m人口 Inhabitants:100 000工作 Working:75 000 总建筑面积 GFA :4726027 F15、AR 容积率:2.8D6面积 Area:528 305sq.m人口 Inhabitants:13 000工作 Working:5 000 总建筑面积 GFA :1224559 FAR 容积率:2.3BUS STOPBIKE SHARINGTRAINLIGHT RAILINTERCITYTAXI“公交导向型发展”(TOD)战略有助于创建步行和可持续发展的社区,以高质量的公共交通系统为中心,减少对汽车的依赖核心区影响区域外围区域 空间组织由一个正交网格构成,街区网格组织所有住宅、商业与公共设施,如学校、医院、图书馆、体育馆。TOD 规划无缝换乘基础设施公交快线线路频率A“transit-orien16、ted development”(TOD)strategy contributes to the creation of walkable and sustainable communities,centered around high quality public transport systems and less car-reliant.The intermodal train station of high velocity,intercity,BRT and taxi,being the node with the best communication of Shenshan.RUR17、AL TRANSIT ORIENTED PLANNINGSEAMLESS INTERCHANGE AMONG ALL TRANSPORT MODESINFRASTRUCTURESERVICESFREQUENCY 链城:公交快环 TODHUMAN SCALETODThe overall mobility strategy for the masterplan is based on creating a rich and sustainable urban environment,decreasing to a minimum the impact of private traffic,prom18、oting public transport and shared green modes.The best strategy to minimize traffic congestion and the use of private car,is to multiply the mobility choices for the users and to guarantee a reliable public transport system with a set of interconnected modes thought for all movements:from long-haul 19、to last-mile trips.This will be achieved following the guidelines of a human-scale transit oriented development,by making sure that the majority of people and jobs are within walking distance from a transit stop.This will contribute to the creation of walkable and sustainable districts,centred aroun20、d pedestrians and high quality public transport rather than on cars.基于创造丰富与可持续的城市环境的原则,交通组织策略:促进公共交通和共享绿色出行模式,将私家车的影响降至最低。减少交通拥堵和使用私家车的最佳策略是增加用户的出行选择,并提供可靠的公共交通系统,包含一系列换乘模式,适用于所有出行:从长距离到最后一公里。遵循以人为本的公交导向发展原则,确保大多数工作地距离公交站步行范围内。有助于创造慢行与可持续发展城区,以行人和高品质公共交通为主,而不是汽车为主。02/耦园链 城 V I L L E O N C H A I N 1221、02/公交网络步行距离步行距离PUBLIC TRANSPORT NETWORKWALKING DISTANCE步行距离 BRT stopsWALKING DISTANCE3 min6 min9 min12 min链城:高速接入的商务区HIGH SPEED PLUG-IN CBD01/01/District 1 is the center of the northern subdistrict and is founded to the south of the intermodal train station of high velocity,intercity,BRT and taxi,be22、ing the node with the best communication of Shenshan.The spatial organization is structured with an orotogonal grid,which organizes all the residential,commercial and neighborhood facilities such as schools,institute,hospitals,library,for its residents as well as some of the metropolitan scale sport23、s facilities.In its perimeter are green areas,environmental corridors and agricultural areas that make it even more interesting and add more value to the Shenzhen CBD.The station has the shape of the hills that have been necessary to demolish to build the district.中心组团北片区的中心城区,建在高铁站、城铁站南侧,是深汕最主要的交通枢24、纽。空间组织由一个正交网格构成,街区网格组织所有住宅、商业与公共设施,如学校、医院、图书馆、体育馆。周边是绿地、生态走廊和农业园,为深汕CBD提供了更多有趣的内容,增加更多价值。高铁站山丘外形是对场地原有山丘的溯源。耦园链 城 V I L L E O N C H A I N 1403/三个层级的混合使用:基本原则MIX USE AT 3 LEVELS:BASIC PRINCIPLES第一级:街坊LEVEL 1:STREET BLOCK第二级:复合邻里LEVEL 2:MIX USE NEIGBORHOOD第三级:宜居宜业城区LEVEL 3:LIVING AND WORKING URBAN DIS25、TRICT16耦园链 城 V I L L EO NC H A I N1.HIGH-SPEED TRAIN STATION,INTERCITY TRAINSTATION高铁站,城际车站2.MAIN AVENUE中轴线3.COMMERCIAL AND OFFICES商业与办公4.CONCERT HALL 音乐厅5.THEATER AND CINEMA剧院和电影院6.ART MUSEUM 美术馆7.MULTIFUNCTION SPORTS STADIUM多功能体育场8.BASKETBALL STADIUM 中央大街9.SWIMMING POOL 游泳池10.VILLAGE DENSIFICATION26、村落 增加密度11.COMPREHENSIVE HOSPITAL综合医院12.CITY LIBRARY市图书馆13.SENIOR HIGH SCHOOLS WITH DORMITORY寄宿制高中14.PRIMARY+JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOLS 小学与初中15.ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING 行政大楼16.POLICE STATION 派出所17.CULTURAL CENTER文化中心18.KINDERGARTEN AND PRIMARY SCHOOLS幼儿园和小学19.PARK 公园20.DATA CENTER 数据中心21.AGROPARK A:SOCIAL AG27、RICULTURE ANDTOURISMA 园:社会农业与旅游22.AGROPARK C:ECO-TOURISM ANDENVIRO-COWORKING C 园:生态旅游与联合办公23.AGROPARK D:SPORT AND CULTURED 园:体育与文化24.LANDSCAPE PARK 景观公园25.OPEN WATERSPORT CENTER72125228 9 61中央商务区CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICT2 10 11 12 13201416151718191919242523262 345耦园:农业园复兴链AGRICULTURE CHAIN ACTIVATIO28、N04/20耦园链 城 V I L L EO NC H A I N1011121417181.VILLAGE PRESERVATION 村落保护2.RURAL URBAN MARKET CENTRE 城乡市场3.AGRO-HUB 农业中心4.URBAN EDGE AGRICULTURAL PARK城边农业园5.EDIBLE GARDENS 食用花园6.SOCIAL FARMING7.AGRICULTURAL LEARNING 农业学习8.FARMER-INCUBATOR农民孵化器9.ECO-VILLAGE 生态村10.EDUCATIONAL FARM 教育农场11.HORTICULTURAL 29、TRAINING CENTER园艺培训中心12.THERAPY GARDENS治疗花园13.NEXT-GENERATION FARMER CLUB下一代农民14.DIVERSIFIED PRODUCTION ZONE多元生产区15.RECREATIONAL PARK 休闲公园16.HOTEL 酒店17.AGROTOURISM 农业旅游18.ENERGY CROPS 能源作物216耦园:农业园复兴链AGRICULTURE CHAIN ACTIVATION134513156789Actual现状Future未来Actual section现状剖面Future section未来剖面最大高度商业用途30、新增居住(6层)Future GFA Housing-Commercial未来建筑面积-商业Built m2建筑面积300%growthVillage densification增加村落密度BUILDINGS PARAMETERS CONTROL 建筑控制参数150250绿地占用可建设占地面积比例1:2000底层占用Location map区位图5%Village and rural activation乡村活化BUILDINGS PARAMETERS CONTROL 建筑控制参数VILLAGE DENSIFICATIONVILLAGE AND RURAL ACTIVATION增加村落密度乡村31、活化22耦园链 城 V I L L EO NC H A I NDISTRICT 8DISTRICT 7第8区第7区剖面SECTIONSDISTRICT 8DISTRICT 10第8区第10区01/01/链城:山海市民中心PEOPLE_MOUNTAIN_SEA CIVIC CENTER耦园链 城 V I L L E O N C H A I N 2405/District 8 is the center of the southern sub-district and hosts the administrative center of Shenshan.Its layout follows th32、e traditional principles of feng-shui protecting itself from the north winds on a mountain and opening to the south,towards the sea.The district has an orthogonal mesh N/S,covered with a central avenue-park,which will have permanent activity with cultural,social and administrative buildings of diffe33、rent height and form.This avenue also houses the underground station of the intercity train that connects with Shenzhen and the high-speed station located to the north and is crossed by the LOOP line of BRT.八区是中心组团南片区的中心区,是深汕的行政中心。它的布局遵循传统风水原则,坐北向南,山阻挡了北风,面向大海开放。该城区为正交网格布局,中轴带为中央大道公园,从北端的行政大楼往南分布着文化34、社会等公共建筑,可开展多重类型的活动。这条大道还设有深汕城际列车站(地下),连接深圳与位于北片区的高铁站,BRT环线也从这里经过。7112 12 3141.SHENSHAN CITY COUNCIL行政中心2.MAIN ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDINGS主行政大楼3.INTERCITY TRAIN STOP城际车站 4.CITY PARK城市公园5.SKYWALK 天桥6.COMMERCIAL AND OFFICES商业与办公7.PRIMARY+JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOLS小学与初中8.INTERNATIONAL ART MUSEUM国际艺术博物馆9.CITY LIB35、RARY 市图书馆10.THEATER 剧院11.CITY OBSERVATORY城市观景台12.VILLAGES DENSIFICATION村落 增加密度13.SENIOR HIGH SCHOOLS WITH DORMITORY寄宿高中14.AGROPARK H:SPORT AND AGRICULTURE H 园:体育与农业15.ATHLETICS SPORTS CENTER田径运动中心26耦园链 城 V I L L EO NC H A I N12139102 45687315 AGRICULTURE 农业 WATER 水 VILLAGES 村落Ville,意为“城”或“镇”,是拉丁文起源的36、法语单词,中世纪时意为“农场”、“村庄”。该词义的演化反映了人类城市化的历史。Ville-on-Chain“耦园链城”方案,回归 Ville(村镇)这一城市原初,以村落与农田为“园”,其间耦合一系列紧凑分布的新城区串联成链,在后数字时代建立超链接城乡互文与共生模式。作为下一代城市营造模式的探索,它避免了传统城市化对农业与生态环境破坏,旨在建立一个全新的生态人本、时空链接、乡愁依归的城市模型。这是一座年轻的城市,它将建立一个年轻的社会,重塑城市化理念,为市民创造人力与环境资本,远超传统房地产的价值。Shenshan is to explore the next generation of the37、 cities,which return to the idea of the ville,its origin,through a chain of compact and discontinuous settlements inserted in an agricultural environment,to found a new hyper-connected way of life of the post-digital era.Ville,meaning“city”or“town”,is the French word of Latin origin,but the previous38、 meaning in the Middle Ages was“farm”and then“village.”The word itself reflects the history of urbanization.inhabitants beyond the real estate value of cities.Project and for the future hyper-rural urban model.Ville-on-Chain is a proposal to go beyond the destruction of the nature of the traditional39、 urbanization,or the nostalgia of the rural life,and to build a model of city,holistic,ecological,at human speed that is connected to the world physically and digitally.It is a young city that will build a young society to reinvent the idea of urbanity and create value and human and environmental ca40、pital for its inhabitants beyond the real estate value of cities.Ville,意为“城”或“镇”,是拉丁文起源的法语单词,中世纪时意为“农场”、“村庄”。该词义的演化反映了人类城市化的历史。Ville-on-Chain“耦园链城”方案,回归 Ville(村镇)这一城市原初,以村落与农田为“园”,其间耦合一系列紧凑分布的新城区串联成链,在后数字时代建立超链接城乡互文与共生模式。作为下一代城市营造模式的探索,它避免了传统城市化对农业与生态环境破坏,旨在建立一个全新的生态人本、时空链接、乡愁依归的城市模型。这是一座年轻的城市,它将建立一41、个年轻的社会,重塑城市化理念,为市民创造人力与环境资本,远超传统房地产的价值。34耦园链 城 V I L L E O N C H A I N 仅供学习交流,请24小时内删除,更多好资料淘宝搜:DS设计素材小站 加入会员全店免费 免费下载更多素材可以关注微信公众号:DS设计素材小站Ville,意为“城”或“镇”,是拉丁文起源的法语单词,中世纪时意为“农场”、“村庄”。该词义的演化反映了人类城市化的历史。Ville-on-Chain“耦园链城”方案,回归 Ville(村镇)这一城市原初,以村落与农田为“园”,其间耦合一系列紧凑分布的新城区串联成链,在后数字时代建立超链接城乡互文与共生模式。作为下一42、代城市营造模式的探索,它避免了传统城市化对农业与生态环境破坏,旨在建立一个全新的生态人本、时空链接、乡愁依归的城市模型。这是一座年轻的城市,它将建立一个年轻的社会,重塑城市化理念,为市民创造人力与环境资本,远超传统房地产的价值。The city making of Shenshan provides a perfect opportunity of not repeating the mistakes of the fast urbanization of Shenzhen again,where first the city has been urbanized and fragmented43、 by motorway and major roads and now it is trying to recover the natural corridors between the mountain and the sea.And where the old agricultural villages and their inhabitants have been dissolved,if not disappeared,within the big city.Our project proposes to avoid building a large continuous urban44、 spot in Shenzhen defining a chain of dense villas,with all the functions of mixed-use cities,with no practical need to use private vehicles,separated by agricultural and ecological corridors and respecting most of the existing agricultural villages.If urban village is the mother of Shenzhen,and soc45、ial eco wetland,in Shenshan should be explored as the point of departure for the whole Project and for the future hyper-rural urban model.深汕的建设提供了一个不再重复深圳快速城市化进程中所犯错误的完美机会。在深圳,城市的高速公路和主要道路分隔了自然环境,需要恢复山海通廊。另外,作为城市重要的有机体和活力源,深圳的城中村正在逐渐消亡。我们的方案没有重复深圳的做法,即避免了建立一个大片连续的城区,而是充分尊重场地本身密布的村落链的特点,发展出一个与农业与生态环境46、深度耦合的链式城市片区组,通过发达便利的公交系统减少对私家车的依赖。城中村是深圳的城市发展原点与社会生态的活力本底,它应作为深汕营造超城乡模式的项目起点与发展内核。SHEN SHAN 深汕SHENZHEN 深圳36耦园链 城 V I L L EO NC H A I N从深圳交通网络的连通性到深汕生态网络的连续性FROM THE CONNECTIVITY OF THETRAFFIC NETWORKS OF SHENZHEN TO THE CONTINUITY OF THE ECOLOGICAL NETWORKS OF SHENSHANShenzhen has based its developm47、ent on rapid urbanization,ensuring the continuity of avenues and high-speed highways for the private vehicle,limiting pedestrian mobility between blocks to small elevated footbridges.The urban structure of Shenzhen is formed by a structure of superposed blocks of an average dimension of 1.5x1.5 km.T48、hat allows to create any type of interior frame able to accommodate purely residential space,spaces for offices,industrial parks or even golf courses.From this structure,it is now trying to recover its original natural networks that linked the mountains with the sea,through water structures.Shenshan49、 is the opportunity to overcome this model and build a development that originates in the definition of the corridors to preserve and start from,the settlements to be urbanized are defined,so that the continuity of the ecological services networks is guaranteed now and in the future.In this way the 50、chain of districts and the chains of agricultural parks that build the spatial and functional structure of Shenshan are intertwined.深圳的发展基于快速城市化,确保私家车的通道和路网的连续性,过街天桥限制了街区之间的行人流动性。深圳的城市结构由平均1.5 x 1.5 公里的超级街区构成。在这一框架内容纳居住空间、办公、工业园甚至高尔夫球场。它现在正试图恢复其原始的自然生态网络将山与海连接。深汕的发展试图超越深圳模式,以生态优先,从生态网络的连续性开始,定义城市化的定51、居点,保证现在与未来生态的连续性。通过这种方式建立城区与农业园交织双链的空间与功能结构。The challenge is to build a new city for 1.5 million inhabitants in a land of high natural and scenic value in a territory inhabited by 70,000 people who live in rural villages mainly from the agricultural sector.The need to grow in Shenzhen,has made this 52、new city born as a new segregated district of the big city.And its development will be possible because it is going to build a high-speed station that will connect it to the central station of Shenzhen and is sufficiently connected through highways with the Shenzhen Shanwei axis to the east.The Cent53、ral Group of Shenshan includes creating a settlement for 650,000 inhabitants in two sub-districts in an area of 50 km2.The challenges facing this new project are:1.Create a city that initially emerges as a satellite of the great Sheznhenbut that must have its own identity and where citizens work and54、 live mostly in it.2.Make compatible the urban development to impose theEco-Civicization,from the own construction of the city and not repairing it once built.3.Preserve essential values of ecology and landscape and build a newhyper-rural urban model4.Functionally activate the river as an ecological55、 corridor and as an urbancorridor.5.Build a social model that makes it possible to preserve a large part ofthe villages and existing agriculture,and attract new inhabitants who have strong ecological and social principles and values.For all this,the following aspects must be guaranteed:1.Make the ci56、ty well connected to the outside(by high-speed train,intercity and highways)and the interior(by public transport).2.Define an urban model,with the size of the precise nuclei and the mixof uses needed to create vibrant urban plots.3.Define functional nodes and urban moments that contribute to identit57、yin a discontented city using the opportunities offered by the high-speed station,in the administrative center,of the river environment or the seafront.4.Reform the villages and insert new uses in the agricultural territory tomodernize it.项目面临的挑战是在原有的具有高自然与景观价值的7万人农村地区建立一座150万人口的新城。深汕是深圳城市空间发展外拓的一块飞58、地。高铁站的设立是连接深圳市与深汕的重要途径,同时,城际列车和高速公路进一步有效连接深圳与深汕,并向东连接汕尾。深汕中心组团面积为50平方公里,南北两个分区为65万人建立定居点。设计目标:1.建立一座具有特色的深圳卫星城,承载生活与工作等重要功能;2.在城市发展的实施过程中充分体现生态优先,而不是先破坏再修复;3.保留生态与景观的基本价值,建立一个新的超城乡模式;4.在功能上激活河流作为生态走廊和城市走廊。5.建立一种社会模式,保留大部分村落和现有农业,并吸引具有生态与社会原则和价值观的新居民。设计策略:1.通过高铁、城铁和高速公路使城市与外部保持良好的连接,通过发达的公交系统,使城市内部高效59、连接;2.定义一个城市模型,拥有精准的核心区大小以及创建充满活力、混合功能的城市街区;3.围绕高铁站、行政中心、河流与滨海,在非连续城市中定义有鲜明特色的功能节点与城市时刻。4.改造村落并在农田增加新的用途,作现代化升级。设计挑战THE CHALLENGES耦园链 城 V I L L E O N C H A I N 38空间结构方案THE PROPOSALThe new city model of Ville-on-Chain consists of a dual-chain typology,the mobility chain of 12 urban districts and the e60、co chain of 8 agri-parks being spatially intertwined into each other,while the original villages,act as acupuncture points of the dual chains,are kept and morphed into new hybrids,either urban village or village in agri-park.The new high speed train station,at the crossing point of the dual chains,i61、s the core knotting the dense urbanity and the rich agriculture landscape.A water channel followed eco corridor system connects the mountain groups to the sea front.The spatial structure of Shenshan Special Cooperation Zone includes 5 Urban Groups:North Group:250,000 peopleEast Group:150,000 peopleS62、outh Group:150,000 peopleWest Group:300,000 peopleCentral Group:650,000 people“耦园链城”,是一个双链环空间耦合结构,由一条高效公交系统链接的12个分布式城区与一条由生态廊道链接的8个新型农业园构成;保留现有村落作为双链环的气穴,并有机更新为两种新型混合业态:城中村与新型农业园村落;双链环的交汇点为新的高铁站,汇聚了高密度城市与农耕景观等要素资源;而遵循以水流为导向的生态廊道系统则将山海连通。深汕特别合作区包括5个组团:北部组团:25万人东部组团:15万人南部组团:15万人西部组团:30万人中心组团:65万人空间结构63、SPATIAL STRUCTURE 耦园链 城 V I L L E O N C H A I N 4006/The overall structure of the cooperation zone follow the principles“one center,four groups”The functional development of four surrounding groups will be organized as follows:1.Eastern group:use for scientific research&development,education,and fut64、ure industries.Focus on higher education research,artificial intelligence,robotics,marine industry,etc.2.Southern group:use for new seaport business district andcoastal eco-tourism.Focus on port industries,cruise yachts,seaside tourism,cultural creativity,etc.3.Western group:use for advanced manufac65、turing clusters.Focus on new energy,new materials,smart equipment manufacture,high-end bio-pharmaceuticals,etc.4.Northern group:use for health care and recreation.Focus onrehabilitation,health care,ecological leisure,etc.In the Central Group,the two main functions are concentrated in two different d66、istricts:In the North district,there is a Central Bussines District around the train station.In the south District must be created the administrative center.深汕特别合作区的总体结构遵循“一中心四组团”原则1.东部组团:打造科教研发区和未来产业区。重点发展高教科研、人工智能、机器人、海洋产业等。2.南部组团:打造新兴海港商贸区和滨海生态旅游区。重点发展临港产业、邮轮游艇、海滨旅游、文化创意等。3.西部组团:打造先进制造集聚区。重点发展新能源67、新材料、智能装备制造、高端生物制药等。4.北部组团:打造康养度假区。重点发展康养度假、医疗保健、生态休闲等。中心组团集中了两大功能,分设在北片区与南片区:中心北片区是围绕高铁站的商务区;中心南片区为行政中心。规划结构PLANNING STRUCTURE01/快速公交环线链接十二个城区城市空间组织各种功能,定义城市架构,生态走廊与基础设施;城区链:Mobility chain of 12 urban districtsHow the various functions are organized in the space in the city,defining the urban frame68、s,the ecological corridors and the infrastructures.1.CHAIN OF DISTRICTS:The structure of planning has three fundamental characteristics:三大特点:耦园链 城 V I L L E O N C H A I N 4207/八个农业园组成的生态链特色城市田园,为农民和新市民提供更全面的功能。在街坊,邻里社区和城区的层级组织生活与工作;田园链:三个层级混合使用:Eco chain of 8 agri-parksHow the different agriculture 69、areas that will be inside the city have their own identity and have specific functions for todays farmer and for the new citizensHow peoples lives are organized,at the scale of the block,the neighborhood and the city itself.3.CHAIN OF AGROPARK:2.MIX USE AT 3 LEVELS:ABCFGHED城区链 CHAIN OF DISTRICTSDIST70、RICT城区SURFACE地块面积INHABITANTS人口WORKING工作GFA总建筑面积FAR容积率 13 145 450175000120 0007 843 5462.521 323 6093500020 0002 845 8622.231 658 0224000020 0002 719 0001.64927 1303700015 0001 966 3392.15407 437150005 000761 6561.96528 305130005 0001 224 5592.371 348 06310000020 0003 992 6473.081 727 85510000075 00071、4 726 0272.791 493 6337500030 0004 908 7132.8101 584 4609000050 0004 715 3243.011499 976100001 000327 2700.7121 772 2506000025 0004 089 8642.3RESIDUAL Refers to buildings in the agroparks and villages located outside the twelve districts but inside the project limits.农业园村落与新增建筑面积 700 762合计 TOTAL164172、6190750000386 00040 821 5692.5规划容量弹性通过每个城区的空间组织,实现可能的居民数量的灵活性。估计最低限度在中心组团北区达到35万人,在中心组团南区达到30万人。基于城市的未来需求,本方案可容纳未来40的人口增长。PLANNING CAPACITY FLEXIBILITYWith the spatial organization created through each zone,a flexibility in the number of possible inhabitants can be achieved.The estimated minimum rea73、ches 350,000 in the North Central zone and 300,000 in the South Central zone.But this figure could be increased up to 40%depending on the future needs of the city.D1面积 Area:3 145 450 sq.m人口 Inhabitants:175 000工作 Working:120 000 总建筑面积 GFA :7843546 FAR 容积率:2.5D12面积 Area:1 772 250 sq.m人口 Inhabitants:6074、 000工作 Working:25 000 总建筑面积 GFA :4089864 FAR 容积率:2.3D11面积 Area:499 976 sq.m人口 Inhabitants:10 000工作 Working:1000总建筑面积 GFA :327270 FAR 容积率:0.7D10面积 Area:1 558 460 sq.m人口 Inhabitants:90 000工作 Working:50 000 总建筑面积 GFA :4715324 FAR 容积率:3.0D9面积 Area:1 493 633 sq.m人口 Inhabitants:75 000工作 Working:30 000 总建筑75、面积 GFA :4908713 FAR 容积率:2.7D7面积 Area:1 348 063 sq.m人口 Inhabitants:100 000工作 Working:20 000 总建筑面积 GFA :3992647 FAR 容积率:3.0D8面积 Area:1 727 855 sq.m人口 Inhabitants:100 000工作 Working:75 000 总建筑面积 GFA :4726027 FAR 容积率:2.8D4面积 Area:927 130 sq.m人口 Inhabitants:37 000工作 Working:15 000总建筑面积 GFA :1966339 FAR 容积76、率:2.1D3面积 Area:1 658 022 sq.m人口 Inhabitants:40 000工作 Working:20 000 总建筑面积 GFA :2719000 FAR 容积率:1.6D5面积 Area:407 437 sq.m人口 Inhabitants:15 000工作 Working:5 000 总建筑面积 GFA :761656 FAR 容积率:1.9D6面积 Area:528 305sq.m人口 Inhabitants:13 000工作 Working:5 000 总建筑面积 GFA :1224559 FAR 容积率:2.3D2面积 Area:1 323 609 sq.m77、人口 inhabitants:35 000工作 working:20 000 总建筑面积 GFA :2845862 FAR 容积率:2.2D1D2D3D4D12D11D5D6D7D8D10D944耦园链 城 V I L L EO NC H A I N田园链 CHAIN OF AGROPARKSAGROPARK农业园SURFACE地块面积A863 524B506 370C1 193 236D1 231 764E1 898 443F450 686G495 834H1 656 309合计 TOTAL8 296 166 B面积 Area:506 370 sq.m 平米A面积 Area:863 524 78、sq.mD面积 Area:1 231 764 sq.m 平米E面积 Area:1 898 443 sq.m 平米C面积 Area:1 193 236 sq.m 平米F面积 Area:450 686 sq.m 平米G面积 Area:495 834 sq.m 平米H面积 Area:1 656 309 sq.m 平米One of the projects objectives is to build in the most flat areas of the territory,without affecting the best agricultural areas.The original%of79、 hills within our project is:36%The%of hills that must be eliminated is:5%In the area of the high-speed train station,hills that are directly opposite the station are eliminated,but others that remain integrated as parks and leisure areas within the districts are conserved.本项目的目标之一是在深汕地区最平坦的地区建造,而不影80、响最佳农业用地。原有丘陵比例:36%需要消除的山丘比例:5%在高铁站区域,在车站对面的山丘被消除,城区内其他的山丘部分作为公园与休闲区域,得已保留。山地MOUNTAINS46耦园链 城 V I L L EO NC H A I N山地建议占地面积Mountain footprint山地占地面积18 825 985 m2Propose mountain footprint 15 962 559 m2D1D2D3D4D5D6D7D8D10D11D12D948耦园链 城 V I L L EO NC H A I NTo apply the model of the dense and discontin81、uous City,it is necessary to initially carry out a study of which are the highest quality environmental spaces in order to protect them and create environmental and landscape corridors.The corridors linked to water are naturally those that have greater from the environmental and agricultural point o82、f view.In this way,the criteria for choosing the spaces to be developed have been:-To avoid natural corridors that must be protected linked to water and agriculture-Select spaces to urbanize as flat as possible,ideally at least 1km x 1km,that are close to natural corridors-Selecting spaces to urbani83、ze as flat as possible,which are tangent to the foreseen traffic routes.-Protect the mountains that have landscape and environmental value.In this way some new standards will be created:-All dwellings will be within a maximum of 500 meters of a large agricultural park or environmental corridors-All 84、homes will have views of protected natural areas.-All homes and offices will be in less tan 30 minutes by public transportation to the High speed train station.-Everyone will have a bus stop in less tan 10 minutes walk distance.In this way,the potential location of 12 neighborhoods,five in the north85、ern part and seven in the southern part,which together created a new model of human habitat for the Shenshan Central Group,have been detected.All the neighborhoods will use the“Mix Use at 3 scale”model,but at the same time each neighborhood will have a precise identity that will allow it to be compl86、ementary with the surrounding neighborhoods.应用高密度与非连续城市模型,通过研究分析,找出区域内高质量的生态环境,作为保护并创建生态与景观走廊的本底。与水有关的生态走廊是那些从环境和农业的角度来看更为重要的走廊。通过这种方式,选择待开发城区空间位置的标准是:-不占用受保护的与水和农业相关的生态走廊;-选择地势尽可能平坦的区域,理想情况下至少1公里x 1公里,靠近生态走廊;-选择地势尽可能平坦的区域,与规划路网相切;-保护具有景观和生态价值的山体。通过这种方式建立起一系列新标准:-任何住宅500米之内即可到达农业园或生态走廊;-住户都能享有受保护的生态87、景观;-所有住户和公司员工可在30分钟内乘坐公共交通工具到达高铁站;-任何地点步行10分钟内就可以到达公交车站。基于这一模式找到12个城区的理想位置,北部5个,南部7个,形成深汕中心组团城区新格局。所有邻里社区都应用混合功能模式,同时每个邻里社区各具特色,与周围社区互补。城区链CHAIN OF DISTRICTS包含高铁站、办公住宅综合体,以及大型体育设施,作为深汕城市功能中心。高科技办公与居住区,俯瞰赤石河与河西岸农业园。位于中央商务区北部,集高等教育、科创研发及相关居住配套的理想山谷。混合功能居住区,位于赤石河西岸湿地西侧。位于两河交汇处,扩展现有赤石镇边界,赤石镇内有机更新,周边补充新的88、城区部分,两河交汇处设置文化地标。混合功能居住区,位于赤石河东岸湿地东侧。一区:中央商务区四区:滨河科技区二区:大学科创园五区:赤石河西岸社区三区:赤石镇六区:赤石河东岸社区It contains the high-speed train station and the complex of offices and homes,and large sports facilities that create the functional center of Shenshan.It is an office complex dedicated to High Tech and homes over89、looking the river and the agricultural area of the west branch of the river.It is located north of the CBD,in an ideal valley for education,study and the creation of a technology company and associated housing.It is a complex of housing in mix use blocks,located in front of the wetlands of the west 90、side of the river.It is located at the confluence of the two arms of the river.Its central core is the Chishi Town that will be regenerated and densified and consolidated with a similar urban layout in its surroundings including large cultural facilities.It is a complex of housing in mix use blocks,91、located in front of the wetlands of the east side of the river.DISTRICT 1:CENTRAL BUSINESS DISTRICTDISTRICT 4:TECH HUB RIVERSIDEDISTRICT 2:UNIVERSITY RESEARCH PARKDISTRICT 5:HOUSING WEST RIVERSIDEDISTRICT 3:CONFLUENCE CULTURAL TOWNDISTRICT 6:HOUSING EAST RIVERSIDED2D3D4D550耦园链 城 V I L L EO NC H A I 92、N位于行政区以西山谷的一个狭长社区,作为企业孵化器与配套居住。位于八区的东部,在两个山谷和小山之间,提供与行政与城市发展相关的服务及居住配套。位于项目中心区域山海轴线带,背山面海。其中轴北端是深汕行政中心大楼。位于山谷中的社区,位于山体的边缘,与农业走廊垂直,作为高端居住区。面向大海,低层建筑,用于酒店、康养以及文创功能。位于中央商务区以南,毗邻深东大道,作为会议中心所在地,同时包含高科技研究院和居住配套。七区:孵化谷十区:现代服务区八区:行政区十一区:高端居住区九区:滨海区十二区:会议中心区It is an elongated neighborhood located in a valley93、 west of the administrative district,which will have business incubators and housing.It is located to the East of the District 8,separated by two valleys and small mountains,and contains mainly housing and services associated with the administration and urban development.It is a neighborhood located94、 on the axis of the central mountain of the project and the sea,according to a North South plot,following the principles of Feng Shui.In its central axis is the Shenshan City Council and the main administrative buildings of the project.It is a neighborhood located in a valley,on the border between t95、he mountains and a perpendicular to the acriculture corridor,with high end housing.It is a neighborhood facing the sea,with low-rise buildings containing housing,hotel,and medical and rehabilitation equipment for the entire city.It is a neighborhood located in the center of Shenshan,south of the CBD96、 and next to the Central Highway that connects with Shenzhen and that welcomes a convention center,the high technology Academy and housing.DISTRICT 7:INCUBATOR VALLEYDISTRICT 10:MODERN SERVICES DISTRICTDISTRICT 8:ADMINISTRATIVE DISTRICTDISTRICT 11:HIGH END HOUSINGDISTRICT 9:SEA FRONT DISTRICTDISTRIC97、T 12:CONVENTIONS AND METTINGSD1D6D7D8D9D10D11D12The districts have been designed responding to specific conditions of the territory,creating a different spatial identity in each of them.一区:高铁站作为高密度城区与农业园之间的互动节点。站前建筑可高达220米,在城区网格与周围的农业园之间形成鲜明的个性,传承了中国古城城墙内密集而紧凑的城市空间布局传统。DISTRICT 1:The station acts wi98、th an interaction point between a high density zone and a eco-park.The buildings in front of the station will reach up to 220m creating a strong identity between an urban district,in mesh and the surrounding agricultural area,which connects with the tradition of the dense and compact Chinese cities,99、located within the walls.三区:它围绕着赤石镇而建。建筑物的高度控制在24米,现有建筑物的垂直延伸可在河流前形成良好的人体尺度。DISRITICT 3:It is built around the largest village in Shenshan.A height of 24 meters is maintained for the buildings and for the vertical extension of the existing buildings creating a good human scale in front of the river.100、五区:湿地受河流保护,城区位于山地和河流之间的龙山路西侧。DISTRICT 5:Wet areas are protected by the river,and the district is built between the highway located on the mountain and the river.八区:城区中轴线以乐山和行政中心为背景中创建,向大海开放。DISTRICT 8:An urban axis is created with the mountain and the council council in the background,open towards t101、he sea.九区:沿海滩布局低密度建筑立面,向南开放,并受北部山地的保护。DISTRICT 9:A low density faade is created in front of the beach,open to the sea to the south,and protected by the mountain in the north.Some outstanding examples are:城区的设计因循该区域的具体情况,在每个地区创造了不同的空间特征。一些突出的例子:空间形象SPATIAL IDENTITY耦园链 城 V I L L E O N C H A I N 52一区 D102、ISTRICT 1五区 DISTRICT 5三区 DISTRICT 3九区 DISTRICT 9八区 DISTRICT 8三个层级的混合使用:基本原则MIX USE AT 3 LEVELS:BASIC PRINCIPLES01/If we want to develop a way of life with a mixed-use city,where poeple can live,work and rest we have to apply these principles to the three scales of the city,in order thart the whole f103、low of urban functions,mobility and urban services,be consistentTherefore,we have to create a model at three levels:Level 1:Street BlockLevel 2:Mix Use NeigborhoodLevel 3:Living and working Urban DistrictIn the case of Shenshan the city plans to have 1,500,000 and may grow up to 2,500,000.The two ce104、ntral districts,where their most relevant facilities are located,will have 650,000 inhabitants.宜居城市需要在三个尺度层级空间的应用混合使用原则,使整个城市功能流动、交通和城市服务保持一致。第一级:街坊第二级:邻里社区第三级:宜居宜业城区深汕规划人口为150万,远期可能增长到250万。中心组团规划65万居民。54耦园链 城 V I L L EO NC H A I N住宅是城市街坊的一部分。新一代城市街坊必须是多功能的,以便在房屋附近发挥最大的基本功能:必须有工作空间(如联合办公室或小型办公室),有基本105、生活必需品的商店和小型街区公园。某些街区也可配有托儿所或文化中心等公共设施。深汕中心组团的街区包括了传统8层24米高的建筑,还有密度更高的街区。街坊组团可形成超级街区,交通仅限于居民或行人。尺度:100 x 200米方向:南北向布局住宅;东西向布局办公与商业功能:居住、工作、邻近商业绿地:花园人口:400800人底层:全开放,与街道共同形成活力空间屋顶:100绿色,绿色屋顶、太阳能发电第一级:街坊People live in houses,which are inside buildings,and are part of urban blocks.The new generation urb106、an blocks must be multifunctional to make the maximum of basic functions in the vicinity of the house:there must be spaces for work(such as coworking or small offices),shops with basic necessities and small parks.There may also be in some cases equipment such as nurseries or cultural centers.The pro107、ject for Central Shenshan includes both traditional blocks of 8 stories high and 24 meters high,as well as blocks with higher density,fusing the traditional models of closed blocks with the isolated towers typical of recent Chinese urban culture.Urban blocks can create superblocks structures with re108、stricted traffic zones only for residents or pedestrians.Structure:100 x 200 mOrientation:Housing N/S.Offices and services:E/WFunctions:Housing,Work,Proximity CommerceGreen area:GardenNumber of people:400-800Ground floor:full open,interact with the street front.Rooftop:100%green zones,green houses a109、nd solar productionLEVEL 1:STREET BLOCK160 m100 m邻里社区是城市生活的基本单位,生活圈以15分钟步行为宜。因此,邻里社区包含家庭、工作场所、商业、公园、医院、学校、体育场所。为确保社区之间的连通性,每个社区中心必须设公交站点。社区内设小巴环线,未来将实现无人驾驶。尺度:800 x 800 米半径:400米公交:城市巴士环线,社区小巴环线功能:居住、办公、商业设施:医院、学校、研究院、托儿所、体育中心、图书馆、社区文化中心。绿地:公园、运动区人口:理想规模:2.5万人第二级:复合邻里The neighborhoods are the units o110、f the center of life of the people,who use the anthropomorphic measure related to the distance that a person can walk a day to have all the urban,social services and all their needs at their reach in less than 15 minutes on foot.Therefore in the neighborhoods there will be homes,offices or places of111、 work,commerce and parks as well as health centers,schools and sports areas.To also ensure connectivity between neighborhoods,basic public transport must have a stop at the center of each of these units.Within each neighborhood there is a loop of minibuses that will very soon be self-driving minibus112、es.The neighborhoods have an ideal average of 25,000 people Scale:800 x 800 mRadius:400 mTransport:Bus stop of the Urban Loop,Microloops with selfdriving minibus.Functions:Housing,Office Buildings and CommerceFacilities:Hospitals,schools,institutes,nurseries,sports centers,libraries and neighborhood113、 cultural centers.Green areas:Parks and sports areasNumber of people:Ideal 25,000LEVEL 2:MIX USE NEIGBORHOOD800 m800 mMIX USE BLOCK WITH DENSE HOUSING高密度住宅混合街区56耦园链 城 V I L L EO NC H A I N城区居民可以找到社区生活的所有服务。包括商务办公区(CBD)、产业与研究,行政中心以及基础设施。城区紧凑,城区之间可以非连续,由多个街坊和社区组成。城区拥有完整的系统,公共设施包括大型体育场馆,博物馆等大型文化设施、大学和行114、政中心,以及火车站,大型公共绿地,包括大型自然公园,海滩和生态走廊。城区规模可达百万级。尺度:1500 x 1500米交通:高铁站、城际火车站、连接各城区的BRT系统功能:居住、商务、产业、科技园、贸易设施:大型体育场馆、医院、大学、图书馆、社区文化中心绿地:生态公园、生态走廊人口:理想规模10万人第三级:宜居宜业城区The city is a place where its inhabitants can find all the services for community life.In it there are areas with concered offices(CBD),indu115、stry or research,equipment for major events,their government centers,as well as large infratstructures that connect them to the world.A city can be compact or discontinuous compact,and is made up of several different neighborhoods and districts.The city has a complete system that allows public and p116、rivate media to communicate all its areas.The facilties of cities includes large sports stadiums,museums and large cultural facilities,university and city council for the municipal government.Also the city has train stations that connect it to other cities.The city also has large green areas that in117、clude large natural parks,beaches and environmental corridors.Cities can range in size from near the million to the megalopolis.Scale:1500 x 1500mTransportation:High-speed train station and Intercity stations.BRT system that connect neighborhoods and districts.Functions:Neighborhoods Housing,CBD,ind118、ustrial park,technology park and tradeFacilities:Large sports stadiums,metropolitan hospitals,universities libraries and neighborhood cultural centers.Green areas:Natural Parks and ecological corridors.Number of people:Ideal 100,000LEVEL 3:LIVING AND WORKING URBAN DISTRICT1500 m1500 mMIX USE BLOCK W119、ITH DENSE OFFICES高密度办公混合街区D1D2D3D4D12D11D5D6D7D8D10D9功能配置FUNCTIONS PUBLIC FACILITIES 公共设施COMMERCIAL AND OFFICES 商业与办公HOUSING AND COMMERCIAL 住宅与商业VILLAGES 村落INFRASTRUCTURE 基础设施R&D CLUSTER 研发集群PARK 公园AGRICULTURE 农业WATER 水58耦园链 城 V I L L EO NC H A I ND1GFA 总建筑面积:7843546 sq.m 平米Commercial 商业与办公:2306918 120、sq.m 平米Residential 住宅与商业:4270052 sq.m 平米Public 公共设施:1216714 sq.m 平米Village 村落:49862 sq.m 平米FAR 容积率:2.5D2GFA 总建筑面积:2 845 862 sq.m 平米Commercial 商业与办公:602733 sq.m 平米Residential 住宅与商业:1228476 sq.m 平米Public 公共设施:926931 sq.m 平米Village 村落:87722 sq.m 平米FAR 容积率:2.2D3GFA 总建筑面积:2719000 sq.m 平米Commercial 商业与办公:121、125890 sq.m 平米Residential 住宅与商业:1386481 sq.m 平米Public 公共设施:449518 sq.m 平米Village 村落:757111 sq.m 平米FAR 容积率:1.6D4GFA 总建筑面积:1966339 sq.m 平米Commercial 商业与办公:488178 sq.m 平米Residential 住宅与商业:1324004 sq.m 平米Public 公共设施:154157 sq.m 平米 FAR 容积率:2.1D5GFA 总建筑面积:761656 sq.m 平米Commercial 商业与办公:192164sq.m 平米Reside122、ntial 住宅与商业:465794 sq.m 平米Public 公共设施:98562sq.m 平米Village 村落:5136 sq.m 平米FAR 容积率:1.9D6GFA 总建筑面积:1224559 sq.m 平米Commercial 商业与办公:466839 sq.m 平米Residential 住宅与商业:512333 sq.m 平米Public 公共设施:141754 sq.m 平米Village 村落:103633 sq.m 平米FAR 容积率:2.3D12GFA 总建筑面积:4089864 sq.m 平米Commercial 商业与办公:1048279 sq.m 平米Resi123、dential 住宅与商业:2108525 sq.m 平米Public 公共设施:844198 sq.m 平米Village 村落:88862 sq.m 平米FAR 容积率:2.3D11GFA 总建筑面积:327270 sq.m 平米Commercial 商业与办公:59833 sq.m 平米Residential 住宅与商业:215870 sq.m 平米Public 公共设施:32606 sq.m 平米Village 村落:18961 sq.m 平米FAR 容积率:0.7D10GFA 总建筑面积:5315324 sq.m 平米Commercial 商业与办公:239632 sq.m 平米Re124、sidential 住宅与商业:3804928 sq.m 平米Public 公共设施:670764 sq.m 平米 FAR 容积率:3.0D9GFA 总建筑面积:4908713 sq.m 平米Commercial 商业与办公:1489872 sq.m 平米Residential 住宅与商业:2674093 sq.m 平米Public 公共设施:673055 sq.m 平米Village 村落:71693 sq.m 平米FAR 容积率:2.8D8GFA 总建筑面积:4726027 sq.m 平米Commercial 商业与办公:565689 sq.m 平米Residential 住宅与商业:32125、50824 sq.m 平米Public 公共设施:803836 sq.m 平米Village 村落:105678 sq.m 平米FAR 容积率:2.7D7GFA 总建筑面积:4192647 sq.m 平米Commercial 商业与办公:633114 sq.m 平米Residential 住宅与商业:2938143 sq.m 平米Public 公共设施:393369 sq.m 平米Village 村落:28021 sq.m 平米FAR 容积率:3.0Residential住宅与商业Commercial商业与办公Public公共设施Village村落59%21%15%5%AREAS(SQ.M)D126、ISTRICT城区COMMERCIAL商业与办公RESIDENTIAL住宅与商业VILLAGE村落PUBLIC公共设施TOTAL GFA合计SURFACE地块面积FAR容积率12306918427005249862121671478435463 145 4502.5260273312284768772292693128458621 323 6092.23125890138648175711144951827190001 658 0221.64488178132400401541571966339927 1302.15192164465794513698562761656407 4371.965127、123334668391036331417541224559528 3052.3763311429381432802139336941926471 348 0633.08565689325082410567880383647260271 727 8552.79148987226740937169367305549087131 493 6332.8102396323804928067076453153241 584 4603.011598332158701896132606327270499 9760.712104827921085258886284419840898641 772 2502.3128、RESIDUAL*443096257666700762*Residual:Refers to buildings in the agroparks and villages located outside the twelve districts but inside the project limits.农业园村落与新增建筑面积%2159515100TOTAL2413402987077316405464157434540821569164161902.512181917207891021131311132215141234567.Multifunction Sports Stadium 多功129、能体育场8.Swimming pool 游泳池9.Open watersport center 水上运动中心10.Mountain sports center 山地运动中心11.Equestrian Sports center 马术运动中心12.Atheltics sports center 田径运动中心13.Specialized hospitals(9)专科医院(9)14.Elderly residence(2)养老院(2)14.Town Hall 行政中心15.University 大学16.Senior high schools with dormitory(9)寄宿高中17.Inte130、rnational school 国际学校18.High Speed Train Station 高铁站19.Intercity Train Station 城际火车站20.Infrastructure Hub 基础设施中心CULTURE 文化FACILITIES 公共设施CITY SCALE 城区级别SPORT 体育REGIONAL AGRO MARKET深汕农贸市场HEALTH 健康ADMINISTRATIVE CITY 行政区EDUCATION 教育TRANSPORTATION 交通INFRASTRUCTURE 基础设施1.Art Museum 美术馆2.Data Center 数据中心131、3.Expo Center 展览中心4.International Art Museum 国际艺术博物馆5.City Library 市图书馆6.Concert Hall 音乐厅21.Theater 剧院22.City Observatory 城市观景台5766666671111112222222222222222211111111111111111111111111755555FACILITIES-NEIGHBORHOOD SCALE公共设施:邻里社区级别1 kindergarden and primary schools 幼儿园和小学2 primary+junior high school132、s 小学与初中3 pharmacy 药店5 comprehensive hospitals(6)综合医院(6)6 police stations(6)派出所(6)7 cultural centers(3)文化中心(3)250 and 500m radious 半径500米 (*)村镇规划VILLAGES PLANNING08/01/Villages are the soul of the territory,therefore,in the Eco Civilization;villages should prevail in order to transfer the ancestral k133、nowledge about the local ecology to the new generations.But this should happen upgrading the way of life of the village and the farming area and not remaining in the nostalgia.So new life,new people and new functions should be introduce in the territory.There are going to be two types of actions aro134、und the villages:1.when the villages are absorbed within the structure of one of theurban nuclei.2.When the villages remain in the agricultural park.原有村镇是场所的灵魂;在生态文明的建设中,以村镇为先,传承当地生态知识与技能,同时更新村镇的生活方式与农业模式,而不是仅仅怀旧。应引入新的生活方式,新住民和新功能。区域内现有村镇会发生两类更新:1.被未来城区包围在内;2.留在未来的农业园内。01/01/村镇规划VILLAGES PLANNING耦园链135、 城 V I L L E O N C H A I N 6408/村镇更新VILLAGE RENOVATIONWhen the villages are in the agricultural area,the objective will be1.rehabilitate existing buildings,reparing electrical and water infrastructure to improvehabitability and the urban plement the fragile plots of the villages with buildings of th136、e same size that define theedge between the city and the agricultural landscape.3.build facilities and services that improve the lives of residents.4.Develop programs for the modernization of agricultural activity and preparation for neweconomic activities for current residents and as a means to int137、roduce new life in agricultural villages and their surroundings.5.Construct buildings of a volume similar to existing ones that may bring new functions andforms of life related to tourism,research and agricultural production.6.The buildings will be located in conitnuity with the urban plots,in point138、s of the landscapethat do not produce negative impact and should have access for vehicles.7.The maximum agricultural area to be occupied will not exceed 10%of the surface area.农业园内的村镇:1.修复现有建筑物,修复电力和水利基础设施,以改善居住环境与景观;2.用相同大小的建筑物来织补空白地块,定义城市边界与农业景观;3.建立改善村民生活的设施与服务;4.制定农业现代化计划,为现有村民开展新的经济活动,引入新的生活手段;139、5.建造与现有建筑体量相似的建筑,带来与旅游、研究和农业生产相关的新功能与生活方式;6.这些建筑物与地块保持一致,在景观点不会产生负面影响,应能让车辆进入;7.农田占用面积不超过10。提高村镇人口密度VILLAGE DENSIFICATIONIn the case of the densification of the existing village the objective will be:1.Maintain current residents and attract new inhabitants such as young people orstudents2.Promote th140、e urban model of mixed uses,with commercial and cultural activityAnd for that3.It will be allowed to increase the density of the existing grids,when the widthof the streets allows it.4.Mixed-use urban plots will be built around it提高现有村落人口密度:1.维持现有村民,吸引年轻人或学生等新村民;2.推广混合功能的城市模式;为此3.当街道宽度允许时,增加现有网格的密度;141、4.围绕它建立混合用途地块。66耦园链 城 V I L L EO NC H A I N城镇VILLESThe city making of Shenshan provides a perfect opportunity of not repeating the mistakes of the urbanization of Shenzhen again.The lessons are:1.Neglect the eco structure:urbanizing the area first,then realize it misses the mountain is greencorridor142、.2.Neglect the social value of urban village:shenzhen has 1,427 urban villages,which host thepopulation of nearly 10 million,almost 50%of shenzhen population.in the historical shenzhen expansion,the city encloses the urban villages,which become islands in the city.due to the lack of land,shenzhen ke143、eps demolishing the urban villages to exchange for real estate development for housing.The remaining urban villages will face the same destiny in the end.Therefore,the city making of Shenshan could be the reverse process,i.e.the making of Shenzhen is the city expansion to swallow the villages;then S144、henshan is village+eco/nature“swallow/encircle”the urban districts,i.e.village formed city link,or,ville-on-chain,creating a new spatial typology of hyper urban-rural mix,a soft,elastic,resilient,resistant urbanization strategy retaining the quality essence of the villeggiatura(village+eco+health wo145、rk and life style)in the hyper connected urban age.深汕的建设提供了一个不再重复深圳城市化错误的绝佳机会。需要吸取的教训:1.忽视生态结构:城市化过程中未优先考虑生态廊道。2.忽视城中村的社会价值:深圳有1427个城中村,容纳近千万人口,近50的深圳人口,作为深圳外来人口的第一落脚点。深圳的城市化扩张不断吞并城中村,换取更多土地开发。而大都市需要城中村这样的社会生态活力本底。因此,深汕的城市营造可与深圳的截然相反,深圳的过程是城市化包围城中村,而深汕可以用村落与农业园包围城区,形成一种新型的“耦园链城”的空间格局,园与城之间形成一个柔性、弹性、146、韧性的城市化策略,在高度链接的城市化时代保留了乡村生活的品质。01.JIANXIN 建新13.XIAWEI 厦围02.XINZHAI 新寨14.NIUHU 牛笏03 DACUOCHANG 大厝场04.LUOKENGCUN 洛坑村07.NIULANG 牛朗08.YUANDUNCUN 园墩村15.DASHANTOU 大山头16.LIYU 鲤鱼17.QUITANG 秋塘09.CHISHI 赤石10.JINSHIZHAI 金石寨19.FUNEI 傅围21.XIABEI 下陂20.XINCHENGCUN 新城村05.GANGWEI 港尾06.PAIJIAO 排角12.SHUIKOUCUN 水口村18.F147、UTIAN 福田11.YANGKENG 洋坑68耦园链 城 V I L L EO NC H A I N0104710131619020811141720030912151821Existing Villages:1807925 SQM 平米Demolished Villages:293568 SQM 平米现有村落拆迁村落New developments:413446 SQM 平米Village Densification:794832 SQM 平米The total area of:renovated,densified villages and new developments:199226148、7 SQM 平米Village Renovation:783989 SQM 平米新建提高村落密度总面积:更新,增密,新建总面积:更新,增密,新建VILLAGES WITHIN THE DISTRICTS未来城中村Population 人口:450,550VILLAGE9,10 村9,10:CHISHI 赤石,JINSHIZHAI 金石寨Population 人口:600Population 人口:233Population 人口:782Population 人口:Population 人口:168Population 人口:850Population 人口:160Population 人口:7149、00VILLAGE2 村2:XINZHAI 新寨VILLAGE3 村3:DACUOCHANG 大厝场VILLAGE4 村4:LUOKENGCUN 洛坑村5,6 村5,6:GANGWEI 港尾,PAIJIAO 排角VILLAGE7 村7:NIULANG 牛朗VILLAGE8 村8:YUANDUNCUN 园墩村12 村12:SHUIKOUCUN 水口村VILLAGE11 村11:YANGKENG 洋坑Population 人口:400VILLAGE1 村1:JIANXIN 建新72耦园链 城 V I L L EO NC H A I NPopulation 人口:400VILLAGE21 村21:X150、IABEI 下陂Population 人口:500Population 人口:160Population 人口:380VILLAGE13 村13:XIAWEI 厦围VILLAGE15 村15:DASHANTOU 大山头VILLAGE14 村14:NIUHU 牛笏Population 人口:890VILLAGE16 村16:LIYU 鲤鱼VILLAGE18 村18:FUTIAN 福田VILLAGE19,20 村19,20:FUNEI 傅围,XINCHENGCUN 新城村Population 人口:680VILLAGE17 村17:QUITANG 秋塘农业园中村VILLAGES WITHIN TH151、E AGROPARKSPopulation 人口:400VILLAGE1 村1:JIANXIN 建新建新村位于赤石镇赤石圩南,距离镇政府约2公里,相邻自然村有牛涌港村、江头村、旱塘村和厦围村。因是三村合并建的新村而取名建新村,曾用名卢厝乡、建新厝、田楼厦。该村始建于清康熙年间,先由梅陇卢姓人建卢厝乡;1923年揭西良田陈姓建新厝村;刘姓人建田楼厦村;1975年,为了方便生活发展需要,三村合并一村而形成。该村坐落于河滩沉积平原地带。主要山岭有鼻坑岭山,高约500米,主要河流有北楼坑河,在村东方流过,主要水塘有城面前新层塘。清康熙年间属惠州府海丰县扬安都赤石约,民国时期,属潮循迫海丰县赤石乡,中华152、人民共和国成立后,属海丰第四区赤石乡,1958年,属后门公社赤石管区,1959年,属圆墩公社赤石管区,1960年,属赤石公社,1987年,属海丰县赤石镇新联村委会至今。世居姓氏主要有5个。卢姓是清康熙年间从海丰梅陇移至本地;刘姓是1922年从揭西县迁移至本地;陈姓是1920年从揭西县迁移至本地;文姓、温姓迁来时间不详。2015年底,户籍人口400人,实际在村人口390人:其中,男性210人,女性180人;80岁以上老人有6人。户籍人口中,生活主要依靠农业收入的人口约有260多人;常年在城镇生活和打工的人口约有130多人。现村中最年长者年龄有87岁,是男性。世居民族均为汉族,村民属客家民系,本地153、通用客家和尖米两种方言。2015年港澳台同胞有40人。交通便利,乡道X131经过本村。2009年村道实现水泥硬底,2006年通自来水,80年代年通电,1988年通电话,1992年通网络。村内建有王爷宫,建于2008年,供奉神灵为王爷,每年农历二月二十五日全村举行祭神活动。本村在第一、二次革命斗争中牺牲的烈士有:吴新贵,1901年出生,1929年参加红军,红军四十九团班长,1931年9月于大安战斗中牺牲;陈意,1898年出生,1927年参加赤卫队,四区赤卫队员,1928年8月于大安战斗中牺牲。74耦园链 城 V I L L EO NC H A I N新联新寨村位于赤石镇赤圩南,距离镇政府约4公里154、,相邻自然村有牛涌港村、厦围村、牛笏村和大山头村,属赤石镇新联村民委员会驻地。因建该村时不仅建有坚固的寨围,结构新色,而且又是这一带新建的村寨而取名新寨村,后为了区别于其他同名村,更名为新联新寨村。始建于明朝嘉靖年间(15221566)年,因由陈姓先民从祖籍福建迁来定居,后又陆续从揭西良田等地迁来陈、洪、叶、蔡、彭等姓移民共建村落而形成。该村坐落于赤石河河谷地带,主要山岭有婆山,高约600 米。主要河流有赤石河,从本村西北方流过。主要水库有深沥水库,主要水塘是新寨山塘。明、清时代属惠州府海丰县扬安都赤石约,民国时期,属潮循迫海丰县赤石乡,中华人民共和国成立后,属海丰第四区赤石乡,1958年,属155、后门公社赤石管区,1959年,属圆墩公社赤石管区,1960年,属赤石公社,1987年,属海丰县赤石镇新联村委会至今。姓氏有陈、叶、彭、蔡、洪、赖姓。其中,陈姓是明朝嘉靖年间(15221566)从 福建迁移至本地;叶姓是明朝嘉靖年间从福建迁移至广东 东莞茶园,明嘉靖元年从东莞茶园迁移至本地;彭姓是宋朝末年从福建迁移至广东揭西,民国期间从揭西移至本地。2015年底,户籍人口约600多人,实际在村人口 600多人:其中,男性约350人,女性约250 人;80岁以上老人有7人。户籍人口中,生活主要依靠农业收入的人口有200多人;常年在城镇生活和打工的人口有约200人。现村中最年长者年龄有91岁,为女性156、。世居民族均为汉族,村民属客家民系,使用客家方言。港澳台同胞有3人,华人华侨约有200多人,主要分布国家在泰国。传统经营以农业为主,主要作物有水稻、番薯、葛薯、花生、大豆等。现时种植水稻、沙田柚、番薯、葛薯等。青壮年大多外出打工和经商,村民主要收入来源农业生产和工资性收入为主。自然资源主要有锡矿。交通便利,县道X131经过本村。2010年村道实现水泥硬底,80年代末通自来水,80年代通电,90年代初通电话,2005年通网络。2015年,小学有新联小学,班级6个,在校学生140人,教职工14人。Population 人口:600VILLAGE2 村2:XINZHAI 新寨传统民居为客家围屋。现存157、1座。代表性民居有围屋古寨,建于明嘉靖年,占地面积约300平方米,主要建筑特色主门楼为迎龙门(保存较好),内三街六巷,有大小约80间房屋。保存现状部分完整,现仍有部分居民在居住。村内有元天上帝宫、王爷宫等,建于明末清初,供奉神灵为元天上帝和王爷,主要民间祭神活动是每年农历三月初三演戏。据镇志记载,民国九年,英国人“白神文”(译音)自带资金在新寨村购旧屋三间约90平方米改作天主教馆,称“圣堂”,由其教徒黄再福(公平人)授教传经。民国十四年,改由德国人“马神文”(译音)在新寨“圣堂”传教,入教信徒约30多人,主要分布于新寨、田寮下等自然村。建国初期,宗教活动受到限制,教堂停止活动。1958年冬季,158、赤石公社动员1000多人集中新联新寨搞深翻改土试点,接着全赤石兴起深翻改土高潮。大厝场村位于赤石镇赤石圩南,距离镇政府约4.4公里,相邻自然村有新联大坑村、福中墩村、新联新兴村和新寨村。因建居处依山傍水厝场宽阔,适宜大厝人家居住而取名大厝场村。始建于明正德年间,因由公平黄姓人迁居此地而形成。该村坐落于山间谷地,主要山岭有厝背山,高约200米。主要河流有棺材潭河,在村西南方流过。明正德年间年属海丰县,清代属惠州府海丰县扬安都赤石约,民国时期,属潮循迫海丰县赤石乡,中华人民共和国成立后,属海丰第四区赤石乡,1958年,属后门公社赤石管区,1959年,属圆墩公社赤石管区,1960年,属赤石公社,19159、87年,属海丰县赤石镇新联村委会至今。世居姓氏主要有黄、罗、彭姓。黄姓人是明正德年间从公平迁移至本地。罗、彭两姓是解放后从揭西移至本地。2015年底,户籍人口233人,实际在村人口189人:其中,男性101人,女性88人;80岁以上老人有7人。户籍人口中,生活主要依靠农业收入的人口约有123人;常年在城镇生活和打工的人口约有110人。农村留守儿童3人。现村中最年长者年龄91岁,是女性。世居民族均为汉族,属客家民系,使用客家方言。大厝场村自然资源主要有锡矿。传统经济以农业为主,主要作物有水稻、番薯、花生等。现大部分村民兼种植果树和桉树。近年来,大部分青壮年外出打工。村民主要收入来源为农业收入,外160、出务工村民为工资性收入。新联至洛坑公路经过本村,2005年村道实现水泥硬底,80年代末年通自来水,80年代初年通电,90年代初年通电话。村中建有垃圾收集站。Population 人口:233VILLAGE3 村3:DACUOCHANG 大厝场76耦园链 城 V I L L EO NC H A I N洛坑村,位于赤石镇南部,距镇政府10公里,面积5平方公里。始建于明万历年间,由于战乱移民聚居而形成,因建居处是多条坑沟汇聚的地方而取名洛坑村。该村属四面环低丘山岭的盆地地貌,村内有高300米的禁岭山,北边有长2000米流经本村的水坑河,坑尾水库也在本村辖区内。1927年以前,洛坑村周边还有黄土城、城161、肚、深塌和大山边四个村庄,1927年以后,海陆丰农民运动失败后,洛坑周边四村被国民党反动派夷为废墟。明万历年间属海丰县洛坑村,1950年新中国成立后属海丰县鲘门乡,1958年属海丰县圆墩公社洛坑大队,1960年属海丰县国营圆墩林场,1984年属海丰县圆墩林场圆联乡,1987年属海丰县圆墩林场洛村委,1989年属海丰县圆墩林场洛坑管理办事处,1998年属海丰县圆墩林场洛坑村委,2005年属海丰县赤石镇洛坑村委至今。世居村民主要姓氏为叶、张、黄姓。明朝万历十七年,叶氏族人由东莞茶园都(今东莞茶山镇)迁入此地。据洛坑族谱记载,叶林永东乃东莞茶山首富,于明末世乱,其妻钟氏带领三子叶云龙、叶云凤、叶云庄162、迁居洛坑村。后来,云凤迁后门新径,启东景炬公迁汕尾青草,丽源公志第三子应熊迁鹅埠厦城,四子应黑迁赤石大安榕树仔。1934年,张氏族人从揭西迁至此地。1942年和1958年,黄氏族人先后从鲘门镇和梅陇镇迁入此地。2015年底,有户籍人口782多人,实有居住人口613人。其中,男性451人,女性331人;16岁以下129人,农村留守儿童7人;60岁以上136人,年最长者87岁(女)。村民均为汉族,主要为潮汕和客家民系,使用闽方言、客家方言和尖米方言。有港澳台同胞4人。洛坑村传统经济以农业为主,主要作物有水稻、番薯、花生等,兼种荔枝、龙眼、芒果等,部分村民外出深圳、东莞、惠州等地经商务工,主要收入为163、农业生产收入、商业经营和工资性收入。洛坑村交通便利,324国道在村前经过,水泥公路直通集镇,村道实现水泥硬底化,全村全面通水、电、电话和网络。村里有1座图书室,藏书300册。解放前,由于洛坑村辖区内没有学校,洛坑村从外地请来私塾先生,私塾教制开始。解放初期,农民虽分了田,耕食有了保证,但教育事业仍很落后。1956年,政府派教师到洛坑村办初小,从此结束了私塾教制。1968年,贯彻贫下农管理学校,洛坑村办完小。1970年,圆墩林场全场普设小学,洛坑小学还设附中。1958年公社化时期,洛坑、圆墩等还办起夜校,对以前因家庭经济、劳力困难而失学,特别是因旧观念造成失学的女孩,都进夜校读书,由本村推荐有文164、化的同志授课。洛坑小学现设有2个班级,在校学生36人,教职工3人。90年代中期,洛坑村文艺生活丰富。1955年,洛坑村针对山区看戏难,由张佛清等10名青年自行合成股成立“洛坑青年业余剧团”,请梅陇刘广泽先生指导,后又请来五名导演和乐器师傅,剧团队伍逐渐扩大到70余人,剧团经费开始由10名合股青年分担,后来,村干部热心支持剧团活动,分10多亩田由剧团青年耕作,收入作为剧团费用,由此剧团逐步购置服装和鼓、锣等各种乐器,先后排演李广大闹三门街、三齐王反奸等20度台古装戏和现代戏,到赤石、后门、梅陇、小漠、惠东等地演出,深受各地赞扬。体制改革后,戏班活动逐渐减少,1988年因经费困难而剧团解散。Pop165、ulation 人口:782VILLAGE4 村4:LUOKENGCUN 洛坑村Population 人口:168VILLAGE 7 村7:NIULANG 牛朗牛朗村,位于赤石镇南部,距镇政府6.4公里,面积2平方公里。始建于明嘉靖,因战乱从福建迁居而至此,又因建居处为一片适宜放牛的草埔而取名牛朗村。牛朗村坐落于山间谷地中,坐西向东,背靠圆墩山,村中有一池塘名为牛朗山池塘。明嘉靖属海丰县洛坑村,1950年新中国成立后属海丰县鲘门乡,1958年属海丰县圆墩公社洛坑大队,1960年属海丰县国营圆墩林场,1984年属海丰县圆墩林场圆联乡,1987年属海丰县圆墩林场洛村委,1989年属海丰县圆墩林场洛166、坑管理办事处,1998年属海丰县圆墩林场洛坑村委,2005年属海丰县赤石镇洛坑村委至今。世居村民为汉族,姓氏主有10个,其中张姓、陈姓和钟姓为大姓。2015年底,有户籍人口约168人,实有户籍居住人口60人。男性80人,女性人口88人。16岁以下18人,60岁以上老人25人,年最长者92岁(女)。本地居民均为汉族,属于潮汕民系和客家民系,使用闽方言、客家方言。传统经济以农业为主,兼营种山林、桉树、果树等,主要农产品有水稻、番薯、花生等。村中大部分出年轻人外出打工,村民收入来源主要也是农业生产和工资性收入。村道牛田路与324国道相接道相接。全村村道实现水泥硬底化,实现通电、电话、自来水、网络。村167、中有张氏宗祠1座,重修于2004年,占地面积100平方米,现仍做宗祠使用。牛朗村当地村民一年中有1次参与民间祭神活动,为每年二月初五。圆墩村人才辈出,主要人物有:张养南,1909年1月出生。1927年至1928年,参加赤卫队;1929年至1931年在大安垌参加红军49团,历任战士,班长;1938年在惠海行商护路队做交通情报工作;1944年至1946年在东江纵队抗日游击队任中队长;1947年至1949年12月在粤赣湘边纵五团三营任二连连长;1948年加入中国共产党;1952年县土改委员会通知安排在我县四区武装部搞民兵训练工作;1959年6月调往协助建圆墩林场,兼任二工区主任;1962年被评为“县168、老革命人员”,文化大革命期间被划为所谓“彭洪黑线人物”,受迫害致伤;1978年得到平反昭雪,暂安排为圆墩林场国家职工。赤石 2015年底,户籍人口450人,实际在村人口450人:其中,男性250人,女性200人;60岁以上80人,16岁以下150人。户籍人口中,生活主要依靠农业收入的人口有100人;常年在城镇生活和打工的人口有150人。农村留守儿童15人。现村中最年长者92岁(女)。村民主要为汉族,潮汕、客家民系,使用闽语、客话等方言,有港澳台同胞约70人。村民主要收入来源为农业收入,外出务工村民为工资性收入。村道实现水泥硬底化,通水、电、电话和网络。村中建有垃圾收集站,文化设施有赤石中心小学169、,赤石中学,赤石红场,文化站、广播电视站、电视差转台、广播调频台、中学图书室等。金石寨牛笏2015年,户籍人口1100人,实际在村人口820人:其中,男性620人,女性480人;60岁以上60人,16岁以下450人。户籍人口中,生活主要依靠农业收入的有700人;常年在城镇生活和打工的有400人。农村留守儿童65人。现村中最年长者94岁(女)。非户籍外来人口120人。村民均为汉族,潮汕、客家民系,使用闽、客家方言。有港澳台同胞38人。村民主要收入来源为农业收入,外出务工村民为工资性收入。村道实现水泥硬底化,通水、电、电话和网络。村中建有垃圾收集站,文化设施有位于村前的戏台和赤石镇健身广场,健身广170、场2015年建成,占地400平方米,安装有健身器材.VILLAGE 9,10 村9,10:CHISHI 赤石,JINSHIZHAI 金石寨牛Population 人口:850VILLAGE 8 村8:YUANDUNCUN 园墩村圆墩村,位于赤石镇南部,距镇政府6公里,村域总面积7.4平方公里。始建于明成化年间,由黄姓人迁移建居而形成,因建居处有一圆形小山墩而取名圆墩村。该村地处河谷地,东靠低丘圆墩山,坐西向东,西为赤石河圆墩段及丘陵山岭三角山,还有高300米的麒麟山,村内有圆墩三角山水库。明成化年间属海丰县圆墩村,1950年新中国成立后属海丰县鲘门乡,1958年属海丰县圆墩公社圆墩大队,196171、0年属海丰县国营圆墩林场,1984年属海丰县圆墩林场圆联乡,1987年属海丰县圆墩林场圆墩村委,1989年属海丰县圆墩林场圆墩管理办事处,1998年属海丰县圆墩林场圆墩村委,2005年属海丰县赤石镇圆墩村委至今。世居村民主要姓氏为涂、刘、李姓。明朝末年期间,涂氏族人由福建漳州迁入今赤石圆墩,刘氏族人由福建漳州迁入今赤石圆墩,李氏族人由福建迁入今赤石圆墩,其后代在圆墩村繁衍生息。2015年底,有户籍人口850多人,实有居住人口660人。男性550人,女性400人,16岁以下198人,农村留守儿童20人,60岁以上老人130人,最年长者96岁(女)。村民均为汉族,潮汕民系,使用闽方言。有港澳台同胞172、约10人。圆墩村是一个以农业为主、兼作浅海捕捞作业及咸淡水养殖业的山区村。自然资源主要有矿泉水、沉香树、樟树;传统经济以农业为主,主要作物有水稻、番薯、花生、大豆、荔枝、生柑、香蕉等,现多种植生柑、荔枝、龙眼和兼作养殖。赤石河圆墩段是咸淡水交汇的地方,盛产鱼、虾、蟹、蚝等,全村养殖面积达400多亩,享有“鱼米之乡”的盛名,家禽主要以养鸡鸭为主。近些年有部分青年人外出梅陇、惠东打工,主要收入来源为农业生产收入、养殖业收入以及工资性收入。传统食品有焦饼、菜粿、粽子等。圆墩村交通便利,324国道依村西侧经过,水泥公路直通集镇,村道实现水泥硬底化,全村全面通水、电、电话和网络。村前村建有1000平方米173、广场和160平方米的文化广场,同时投资3亿元的大百汇生物科技园项目落户也在圆墩村辖区内。解放前,由于圆墩村辖区内没有学校,圆墩村从外地请来私塾先生,私塾教制开始。解放初期,农民虽分了田,耕食有了保证,但教育事业仍很落后。1956年,政府派教师到圆墩办初小,从此结束了私塾教制。1968年,贯彻贫下农管理学校,圆墩办完小,同时,圆墩试办附中初一班,后由于师资、设备等无法解决,附中只办一学期。1970年,在县“五七”干校和圆墩大队重视下,圆墩小学新择校址,新建校舍一栋7间瓦校196平方。1971年下半年搬迁新校舍,改校名为“五七”干校小学。1990年,圆墩小学经县教育局、林场、村和个人多方面支持,集174、资20万元,新建一栋教学大楼,总面积805平方。圆墩小学现设有6个班级,在校学生86人,教职工13人。圆墩村现存祖祠豫章堂1座,建于明嘉靖年间,重修于1980年,占地面积100平方米.据海丰县圆墩林场简志记载,1928年,国民党反动派在这里犯下了惨无人道的滔天罪行,历史上称之崩山仔事件。凤河圆墩村渡口对面,由于长期受三角山流向山水冲击,两边山土崩落,村民叫此处为崩山仔。Population 人口:700VILLAGE 11 村11:YANGKENG 洋坑洋坑村,位于赤石镇东南方位,距离镇政府约4.2公里,村域总面积10平方公里。洋坑村因建于双宫岭下,山峰起伏重叠,岭下山峦沟坑众多,故有“洋坑”175、之名。该村四面环山,其中一座三凸岭,高约500米;位于村的背面,有一条水坑河,流经本村约长3600米;村旁有一座洋坑水库。明代年间属杨安都赤石里,清代改里为约,属赤石约;1950年属四区赤石乡;1958年设新城大队,属于鲘门乡;1959年属圆墩乡;1960年属赤石公社;1984年属赤石区公所新城乡;1987年属赤石镇新城村委会;1989年属新城管理办事处;1999年属海丰县赤石镇新城行政村至今。据现居住该寨的陈姓老人介绍,陈氏“永隆公”于元未明初从陆丰乔迁赤石,至今己21代了。开基刚来时,在羊坑北侧地名“老厝仔”给刘姓做工,以后在“老厝仔”附近居住,后来再迁入羊坑寨居住。2015年底,户籍人口176、700人,实际在村人口500人:其中,男性380人,女性320人;60岁以上160人,16岁以下150人;现村中最年长者年龄为90岁(女);户籍人口中,生活主要依靠农业收入的有300人;常年在城镇生活和打工的有300人。村民均为汉族,潮汕民系,使用闽方言及尖米方言。有港澳台同胞约100人;主要分布香港及其他外国家。洋坑村传统经济以农业为主,主要作物有水稻、番薯、沙姜、花生等,特色农产品有柑桔、沙姜、红番薯。2000年以后,大部分青壮年外出打工。村民主要收入来源为农业收入,外出务工村民为工资性收入,全村村道实现水泥硬底化,90年代通水、电、电话。村旁建有一间小学,为新城小学洋坑分校,截至2015177、年底,该校有2个班级,8名学生,2位在校教职工。洋坑村现存1座传统潮汕民居,始建于清朝年间,占地面积8000平方米,主要建筑特色为传统的潮汕建筑工艺及建筑形制建造。村内有1座陈氏宗祠,始建于清代年间,现占地700平方米,主要建筑特色为传统的潮汕建筑工艺及建筑形制建造,目前仍做宗祠使用。明朝年间建有一间北帝公庙,清朝年间重修,2011年重建,主要建筑特色为传统的潮汕建筑工艺及建筑形制建造。洋坑人崇文尚教,明清朝年间建起建有一间私塾,1990年重修,2000年重建。古寨围墙上保留有代表性碑刻,立于明清朝年间,具体内容不详。庙和宗祠分别保留有代表性匾额:北帝公、颍川堂,书于明清朝年间。Populat178、ion 人口:160VILLAGE 12 村12:SHUIKOUCUN 水口村水口村,位于赤石镇东北方位,距离镇政府约5公里,村域总面积6.8平方公里。因村建于龙眼溪汇入大安河之水口处附近故称,清朝嘉庆年间(17961820年)由陈姓从福建迁来此处建村。该村坐落于丘陵谷地,四面环山,村郊有一座麻蜂窝山,高达400米;位于村的侧边,有一条大安河,流经本村约长800米;离村4.5公里外有一个洋坑水库。明代年间属扬安都赤石里,清代改里为约,属赤石约;民国时期属海丰县赤石乡;新中国成立后属赤石公社;1998年属海丰县赤石镇新城村委会。据记载,清朝嘉庆年间(1796-1820年)陈姓从福建迁移至赤石洋坑179、,后从赤石洋坑迁移至此处建村;1950年,赖姓从赤石大安迁至此处安居,繁衍生息。2015年底,户籍人口160人,实际在村人口145人:其中,男性72人,女性73人;60岁以上58人,16岁以下40人;现村中最年长者年龄为88岁(男);户籍人口中,生活主要依靠农业收入的人口有120人;常年在城镇生活和打工的人口有25人。水口村传统经济以农业为主,主要作物有水稻、番薯等,特色农产品有柑桔、红番薯。2000年以后,大部分青壮年外出打工;村民主要收入来源为农业收入,外出务工村民为工资性收入;全村村道实现水泥硬底化,通水、电和电话。Population 人口:500VILLAGE 13 村13:XIAW180、EI 厦围厦围村位于赤石镇赤石圩南,距离镇政府约2公里,相邻自然村有新寨村、江头村、建新村和大山头村。因建村处位于赤石河之下游,村庄三面被赤石河水包围,加之建有围墙取名下围,又因客家话“下”字与“厦”字谐音,1966年更名为厦围村。始建于元初(1230)年,因由陈姓先民从祖籍福建迁来建居而形成。该村坐落于赤石河谷地带。主要山岭有大岭山,高约150米。主要河流有赤石河,从本村西北方流过,主要水塘是港仔塘。元代厦围村属惠州路海丰县,明、清时代属惠州府海丰县扬安都赤石约。民国时期,属潮循迫海丰县赤石乡,中华人民共和国成立后,属海丰第四区赤石乡,1958年,属后门公社赤石管区,1959年,属圆墩公社赤181、石管区,1960年,属赤石公社,1987年,属海丰县赤石镇新联村委会至今。世居姓氏主要为陈姓,是元初(1230)年(从福建迁移至本地。2015年底,户籍人口约500人,实际在村人口300人:其中,男性286人,女性214人;80岁以上老人7人。现村中最年长者年龄有89岁,是男性。世居民族均为汉族,村民所属广府民系,本地使用尖米话方言。2015年,港澳台同胞有227人,曾被本镇人称之为“香港村”。传统经济以农业为主,主要作物有水稻、番薯、花生蜜柚等,现多种植蜜柚。特色农产品有蜜柚,改革开放初期,一部分青壮年到香港打工,90年代末很多青壮年到珠三角打工和经商。村民主要收入来源为农业收入,外出务工村182、民为工资性收入。交通便利,县道X131从村旁经过,2009年村道实现水泥硬底,1988年通自来水,80年代未年通电,1995年通电话,2012年通网络。现存宗祠有1座,为陈氏宗祠,始建于清道光年间,重修于2001年,现占地75平方米,仍做宗祠使用。本村传统的风俗是正月十三日开灯,正月十八日完灯。旧时开灯是要搭灯棚吊灯,请鼓手乐班吹奏演戏等,现时主要是请喝灯茶、演大戏。下围村是本镇最早大面积种植蜜柚的村,下围村蜜柚场创办于1989年,在村旁的正右侧,面积30亩,种苗从福建引进,名曰福建官溪蜜柚。该蜜柚场由陈远等六户农民联合向镇财政所承包种植,1991年开始挂果1200个2400公斤,挂果最多的一183、株达58个,每个最大的达2.5公斤,时至现在下围村的蜜柚在本地都是很有名气的。Population 人口:160VILLAGE 14 村14:NIUHU 牛笏牛笏村位于赤石镇赤石圩东南,距离镇政府约3.5公里,相邻自然村有沈坑村、建新村、福中敦村、旱塘村。因建村初时为防盗村四周种有密集竹园,取名竹围村,后因朝庭拿竹笏上朝,祖先拿竹笏赶牛而取名牛笏村。始建于清道光年间,由揭西县刘姓人迁居此地而形成。该村坐落于羊蹄岭山谷地,主要山岭有松山排山,高约400米,主要河流有新旧双河,从本村北方流过,主要水塘有村围水塘。清代属惠州府海丰县扬安都赤石约,民国时期,属潮循迫海丰县赤石乡,中华人民共和国成立后,184、属海丰第四区赤石乡,1958年,属后门公社赤石管区,1959年,属圆墩公社赤石管区,1960年,属赤石公社,1987年,属海丰县赤石镇新联村委会至今。世居姓氏有主要有蔡、钟、刘姓。其中,蔡姓是清光绪年间从海丰梅陇中港迁移至本地。钟姓是清朝从紫金迁移至本地。刘姓是清道光年间从揭西移至本地。2015年底,户籍人口约160人,实际在村人口120人:其中,男性90 人,女性70人;80岁以上老人有8人。户籍人口中,生活主要依靠农业收入的人口有30人;常年在城镇生活和打工的人口有20人。现村中最年长者年龄有102岁,为女性。世居民族均为汉族,村民属客家民系,使用客家方言。传统经济以农业为主,主要作物有水185、稻、番薯、花生、辣椒等。现大部分村民兼种植果树和桉树。近年来,部分青壮年外出打工。村民主要收入来源为农业收入,外出务工村民为工资性收入。交通方便,1996年村道实现水泥硬底,2005年通自来水,1988年通电,90年代通电话、网络。Population 人口:380VILLAGE 15 村15:DASHANTOU 大山头大山头村,位于赤石镇西南部,距镇政府4公里,面积约2平方公里。位于鲤鱼埔村下方的赤石河旁,清代是“凤河义渡”的码头。清乾隆三十三年(1769年)邻近马头岭村部分李姓居民率先迁来此处定居,后又从邻村迁来林、洪、彭、王、陈等姓居民逐成村落。因村建于牛屎垭山峰下。村后山头比周围山头高186、大故名。村内有高山,高200米,有赤石河流经本村前方长约200米。村内有水库波仔塘水库。赤石通324国道的赤园公路从村旁穿过。解放前属惠州府海丰县,民国时期属海丰县赤石乡,1949年属海丰县赤石公社,1980年属海丰县赤石镇,1999年隶属海丰县赤石镇新里行政村至今。世居村民主要姓氏为李、林、洪姓。李氏族人由福建漳州甲和迁入海丰县赤石镇再迁移至本地。2015年底,有户籍人口380多人,实有居住人口300人。其中男性200人,女性180人,60岁以上50人,16岁以下130人。户籍人口中,生活主要依靠农业收入的人口有320人;常年在城镇生活和打工的人口有60人。村民均为汉族,潮汕民系,使用闽方言187、。有港澳台同胞约15人。传统经济农业为主,主要农产品有水稻、柑等。大部分青壮年外出打工。村民主要收入来源为农业收入,外出务工村民为工资性收入。1980年全村道实现水泥硬底化,1990年通水、电、电话和网络。该村节日众多,如春节、元宵节等,也有该村的特色节日,如清明节的前一天开始称“肉食节”,各家各户做些“菜包果”吃;还有“四月八”节,经过春耕春种人很疲劳,各家都在这一日休息一天,并炒香饭做包或用面糊薄饼吃一餐,据说可避邪和解疲劳;还有“婆生”节又称为“出花园”,农历七月初七日又叫床公婆生日,有未满十六岁孩子的人家,要备办鸡蛋、猪肉、酒礼等供品,在床公婆神坛前插香拜谢养育之恩。已满十六岁的孩子则188、在拜谢后,送神上天,谓之“出花园”。村内如今还保留许多风俗习惯,保留传统婚嫁习俗,包括媒人说合、议婚、八字排配、“过茶”、择日、“担酒”、“办嫁妆”、设酒宴客等礼俗。在生育风俗方面也有一定讲究,产妇生育后要洗香草水,吃姜醋。三朝通报娘家,七日内外人不得探产妇。在丧葬风俗方面,旧时采用传统丧葬方式庄严繁杂,多以土葬为主。但在新中国成立后实行火葬,其程序包括举丧、入殓、成服、送葬、葬法、做佛事等。而具有本地特色的有“尝新米”习俗,在旧时开秧根、做田完。夏收后每家都要买些鱼肉虾蟹之类与新米火文饭,邀请亲朋吃一餐,称为“尝新米”。本村有浓厚的文化底蕴,有西秦戏、正字剧、白字剧、马戏等非物质文化遗产。西189、秦戏,是汉族传统戏曲剧种之一,明代由西北地区的秦腔流入海陆丰,与地方民间艺术结合,至清初形成广东地方戏,西部地区传过来的秦腔戏种。白字剧俗称“啊咿嗳”,元末明初从闽南流入粤东,到了海陆丰,与当地方言、民间艺术结合,逐渐形成了具有浓厚地方特色的海陆丰白字戏。Population 人口:890VILLAGE 16 村16:LIYU 鲤鱼新里鲤鱼铺村,位于赤石镇西南部,距镇政府2公里,面积约3平方公里。明代宪宗(咸化)八年(1473)陈氏兄弟从祖籍东莞茶园迁来下围村后转此处建居。至清朝乾隆五十九(1795),部分刘姓移民由祖籍梅县迁至鹅埠黄牛湾再迁到本村稍上方建居,形成上下乡。因该村原是一块平坦的大190、草埔,面向赤石河,形似一条大鲤鱼故名。该村坐落于赤石河中游,居监河,村内有燕仔扑深山,有赤石河流经本村河长1000米,在村前方。赤园公路从村旁穿过。明清年属杨安都赤石约,民国时期属海丰县赤石乡,1949年属海丰县赤石公社,1980年属海丰县赤石镇,1999年隶属海丰县赤石镇新里行政村至今。村民主要姓氏为刘、陈、洪姓。清朝时期,刘氏族人由福建迁入广东揭西。民国初期从揭西迁移至本地。明朝洪氏族人由福建迁移至广东新城,清末从新城移至本地。2015年底,有户籍人口890多人,实有居住人口750人。其中男性460人,女性430人60岁以上130人,16岁以下190人,年最长者91岁(女)。村民均为汉族,191、壮族民系,使用客家、闽、粘米方言。有港澳台同胞约24人。传统经济以农业为主、兼鱼牧,主要农产品有水稻、番薯等。大部分青壮年外出打工。村民主要收入来源为农业收入,外出务工村民为工资性收入。交通方便,乡道赤园公路经过本村。2008年全村道实现水泥硬底化,1995年通自来水、1983年通电、1996年通电话和网络。2015年新里小学班级6个,在校学生68人,教职工11人。本村有浓厚的文化底蕴,有西秦戏、正字剧、白字剧、马戏等非物质文化遗产。西秦戏,是汉族传统戏曲剧种之一,明代由西北地区的秦腔流入海陆丰,与地方民间艺术结合,至清初形成广东地方戏,西部地区传过来的秦腔戏种。白字剧俗称“啊咿嗳”,元末明初192、从闽南流入粤东,到了海陆丰,与当地方言、民间艺术结合,逐渐形成了具有浓厚地方特色的海陆丰白字戏。该村传统节日有春节、元宵节等,还有该村的特色节日,如清明节的前一天开始称“肉食节”,各家各户做些“菜包果”吃;还有“四月八”节,经过春耕春种人很疲劳,各家都在这一日休息一天,并炒香饭做包或用面糊薄饼吃一餐,据说可避邪和解疲劳;还有“婆生”节又称为“出花园”,农历七月初七日又叫床公婆生日,有未满十六岁孩子的人家,要备办鸡蛋、猪肉、酒礼等供品,在床公婆神坛前插香拜谢养育之恩。已满十六岁的孩子则在拜谢后,送神上天,谓之“出花园”。村内如今还保留许多风俗习惯,保留传统婚嫁习俗,包括媒人说合、议婚、八字排配、193、“过茶”、择日、“担酒”、“办嫁妆”、设酒宴客等礼俗。在生育风俗方面也有一定讲究,产妇生育后要洗香草水,吃姜醋。三朝通报娘家,七日内外人不得探产妇。在丧葬风俗方面,旧时采用传统丧葬方式庄严繁杂,多以土葬为主。但在新中国成立后实行火葬,其程序包括举丧、入殓、成服、送葬、葬法、做佛事等。而具有本地特色的有“尝新米”习俗,在旧时开秧根、做田完。夏收后每家都要买些鱼肉虾蟹之类与新米火文饭,邀请亲朋吃一餐,称为“尝新米”。村中有宗祠3座。主要宗祠为刘姓,始建于2013年。现占地300平方米。每年清明或九月重阳,由村长组织集体祭祖活动。Population 人口:680VILLAGE 17 村17:QUI194、TANG 秋塘秋塘村又名千秋塘。位于赤石镇西部,距镇政府2公里,面积2.5平方公里。建于明末清初(16281636年),李氏由祖籍福建省樟州芒婆坑村迁来建居。因村前挖有一口大鱼塘,请风水先生命名为“千秋塘”,永恒之意,村名由此而得。1960年村民破旧立新,弃“千”为现村名。村内有国领山、枚肚山,高300米,村前方有明热河,长400米。解放前属惠州府海丰县,民国时期属海丰县赤石乡,1949年属海丰县赤石公社,1980年属海丰县赤石镇,1999年隶属海丰县赤石镇新里行政村至今。世居村民主要姓氏为李姓。李氏族人由福建漳州甲和迁入广东,再从广东迁至海丰赤石本地。2015年底,有户籍人口680多人,实有195、居住人口500人。其中男性374人,女性306人,60岁以上408人,16岁以下272人。80岁以上老人20人,户籍人口中,生活主要依靠农业收入的人口有500人;常年在城镇生活和打工的人口有180人。村民均为汉族潮汕民系,使用闽方言。有港澳台同胞约20人;华人华侨约200人,主要分布在印尼。该村传统经济以农业为主,主要作物有水稻、番薯、木薯、花生、大豆等。传统食品有擂茶、糍粑、菜粿等。村内大部分青壮年外出打工。村民主要收入来源为农业收入,外出务工村民为工资性收入,村道实现水泥硬底化,通水、电、电话和网络。村中建有垃圾收集站。该村节日众多,如春节、元宵节等,还有该村的特色节日,如清明节的前一天开196、始称“肉食节”,各家各户做些“菜包果”吃;还有“四月八”节,经过春耕春种人很疲劳,各家都在这一日休息一天,并炒香饭做包或用面糊薄饼吃一餐,据说可避邪和解疲劳;还有“婆生”节又称为“出花园”,农历七月初七日又叫床公婆生日,有未满十六岁孩子的人家,要备办鸡蛋、猪肉、酒礼等供品,在床公婆神坛前插香拜谢养育之恩。已满十六岁的孩子则在拜谢后,送神上天,谓之“出花园”。五龙峰谭公爷,建于清康熙年代。在千秋塘古寨上行四里许的五龙峰东麓。谭公爷庙旁边有一条山道,往山道走入可以看到“飞龙瀑”的美景。村内如今还保留许多风俗习惯,保留传统婚嫁习俗,包括媒人说合、议婚、八字排配、“过茶”、择日、“担酒”、“办嫁妆”、197、设酒宴客等礼俗。在生育风俗方面也有一定讲究,产妇生育后要洗香草水,吃姜醋。三朝通报娘家,七日内外人不得探产妇。在丧葬风俗方面,旧时采用传统丧葬方式庄严繁杂,多以土葬为主。但在新中国成立后实行火葬,其程序包括举丧、入殓、成服、送葬、葬法、做佛事等。而具有本地特色的有“尝新米”习俗,在旧时开秧根、做田完。夏收后每家都要买些鱼肉虾蟹之类与新米火文饭,邀请亲朋吃一餐,称为“尝新米”。传统客家民居是千秋塘古寨。当年,李氏族内十八兄弟来千秋塘,他们边农耕边建寨,用灰沙、石块拌和糯米浆筑围墙,一年筑一层,共筑十三年。筑成之后,整座村寨以五龙峰为背景,呈东西座向四方形布局,寨墙单层,高5米,厚0.6米,四角建198、有突兀的岗楼,仅开东门。寨内面积八千多平方米,分设三街六巷。进入东门,是一条通往寨西文武庙的中轴街道,两边屋宇严整,均为“一间过两伸手”的锅耳式老屋。石街尽头是真武庙,那是单间单层的砖木结构建筑。神龛正中的真武帝红脸乌须,神情肃穆。真武帝,代表北方至尊之神。并把真武帝奉为立寨尊神。穿过真武庙墙边的圆门,后座是文昌庙。见2米高的基石嵌入寨墙,把文昌帝托上一层楼阁,成古寨的制高点。Population 人口:1100VILLAGE 18 村18:FUTIAN 福田福田村,位于赤石镇东北部,距离镇政府约1.5公里,村域总面积2.5平方公里。始建于清康熙年间(17001722年),因邻近马头岭村李氏七199、世祖一部分人迁来此村下方处建居,形成上下村。因建村后人口逐年增加,有兴旺福利现象,而取名福田村。曾相传此地原有郭姓人居住,故名郭田村。后因郭姓人或外逃、或死亡而成为荒村。该村坐落于山区丘陵。村内有古尾尖山,高500米。主要河流有赤石河,流经本村河长 500米,在村东北南面。村内有一个是平坦水库和一个山塘。解放前属惠州府海丰县,民国时期属海丰县赤石乡,1949年属海丰县赤石公社,1980年属海丰县赤石镇,1999年隶属海丰县赤石镇赤石村至今。世居村民主要姓氏为李姓。1522年,李氏族人从广东海丰赤石马头岭迁移至本地。2015年,户籍人口550人,实际在村人口300人:其中,男性285人,女性26200、5人;60岁以上35人,16岁以下80人。户籍人口中,生活主要依靠农业收入的人口有300人;常年在城镇生活和打工的人口有200人。现村中最年长者88岁(男)。村民大部分为汉族,壮族,潮汕民系,使用闽方言。村民主要收入来源为农业收入,外出务工村民为工资性收入。村道实现水泥硬底化,通水、电、电话和网络。村中建有垃圾收集站。现存宗祠有一座。名为宫馆,始建于清朝年间。重修于2009年,现占地200平方米。该村修有 李氏族谱,于1988 年纂修。据村民回忆,民国十六年(1927年)柯时夏、蔡家帮、徐国声、吴自强等人,在赤石发动组织赤卫队少年童子军,并在福田村买蔗埔召开大会,成立海丰县第四区苏维埃政府。P201、opulation 人口:600,400VILLAGE 19,20 村19,20:FUNEI 傅围,XINCHENGCUN 新城村傅围 :傅围村,位于赤石镇东南方位,距离镇政府约2公里,村域总面积2.5平方公里。原称旧围仔,由黄、林两姓创建,后因傅姓从惠阳多祝迁移至此地,逐渐后来居上,黄、林两姓外迁,仅存傅姓。该村建于马龙围村前,后迁入新城西埔仔,取名卜围村,因其方言同音,人们习惯称为“傅围”,原名渐失。1969年,该村居民集体规划,迁距旧村东北300米处重建新村,沿用“傅围村”。该村坐落于丘陵,面向龙潭乡,背向江头山;有一座大头类山,高达2000米;位于村的东南边,有一条上陂河,流经本村河约202、长3000米;离村1公里外有一个里坑水库。明代年间属扬安都赤石里,清代改里为约,属赤石约;民国时期属海丰县赤石乡;新中国成立后属赤石公社;1998年属海丰县赤石镇新城村委会。傅围村由由黄、林两姓创建,傅姓清朝年间从惠阳多祝迁至此地,尔后黄、林两姓外迁,如今仅存傅姓。2015年底,户籍人口400人,实际在村人口200人:其中,男性240人,女性160人,60岁以上15人,16岁以下20人,现村中最年长者年龄为90岁(男);户籍人口中,生活主要依靠农业收入的有280人,常年在城镇生活和打工的有120人。村民均为汉族,潮汕民系,使用尖米方言;有港澳台同胞约50人,华人华侨约10人,主要分布香港及其他203、外国家。傅围村传统经济以农业为主,主要作物有水稻、番薯等,特色农产品有柑桔、红番薯。2000年以后,大部分青壮年外出打工;村民主要收入来源为农业收入,外出务工村民为工资性收入;全村村道实现水泥硬底化,通水、电和电话。村有1座傅氏宗祠,始建于清代年间,重修于1981年,重建于2014年,现占地20平方米,主要建筑特色为传统的潮汕建筑工艺及建筑形制建造,目前仍做宗祠使用。新城村:新城村,位于赤石镇东南方位,距离镇政府约3公里,村域总面积5.2 平方公里。始建于元末明初,由因逃避战乱,群迁合建形成,取名为元新寨;后在清康熙年间洪晨孚考中翰林回乡省亲为表报答乡恩特升城墙三米,并取名为升城,后因其方言同204、音“新城”而取名新城村。该村坐落于赤石河沿江,面向笔架山,背向公子帽山,村旁有一座灯盏地山,高 300余米;位于村东北,有一条赤石河,流经本村约长900米;有1座里坑水库和乌坑、酸兰、圆仔岭、羌地兰4个水塘。明代年间属杨安都赤石里,清代改里为约,属赤石约;1950年属四区赤石乡;1958年设新城大队,属于鲘门乡;1959年属圆墩乡;1960年属赤石公社;1984年属赤石区公所新城乡;1987年属赤石镇新城村委会;1989年属新城管理办事处;1999年属海丰县赤石镇新城行政村至今。2015年底,户籍人口600人,实际在村人口500人。其中,男性300人,女性200人;60岁以上90人,16岁以下205、120人;现村中最年长者年龄为90岁(男);户籍人口中,生活主要依靠农业收入的有400人;常年在城镇生活和打工的有100人。Population 人口:400VILLAGE 21 村21:XIABEI 下陂该村建于清代康熙年间(17001722年),由邻近马头岭村部分李姓先民迁居而来。下陂村,位于赤石镇东南方位,距离镇政府约1.5公里,村域总面积4.8平方公里。原称虾陂村,因传说此处是虾地、会沉浮,村东小河有座堵水陂头,会使乡村发达,故取虾地的“虾”和陂头的“陂”为村名,后人为书写方便,省“虾”为“下”而改为现村名。该村坐落于丘陵谷地,位于村的正前方,有一条赤石河,流经本村约长1000米。明代206、年间属扬安都赤石里,清代改里为约,属赤石约;民国时期属海丰县赤石乡;新中国成立后属赤石公社;1998年属海丰县赤石镇新城村委会。村内有1座李氏宗祠,始建于1800年,重修于1998年,现占地30平方米,主要建筑特色为传统的潮汕建筑工艺及建筑形制建造,2015年底,户籍人口400人,实际在村人口200人:其中,男性200人,女性200人;60岁以上160人,16岁以下150人;现村中最年长者年龄为99岁(女);户籍人口中,生活主要依靠农业收入的有300人;常年在城镇生活和打工的有100人。村民均为汉族,潮汕民系,使用闽方言;有港澳台同胞和华人华侨约4人,主要分布香港。下陂村传统经济以农业为主,主207、要作物有水稻、番薯、花生等,特色农产品有红番薯。2000年以后,大部分青壮年外出打工;村民主要收入来源为农业收入,外出务工村民为工资性收入;全村村道实现水泥硬底化,通水、电和电话。THE MARKET OF AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS AND PLANTS深汕农贸市场A market has been designed for agricultural products and plants,which is located between the high-speed station and the river,so as to allow a massive visit b208、y citizens of Shenshan and Shenzhen who can have it as a destination to spend a day,buy,eat organic products,walk near the river,and know the historic villas.在高铁站与赤石河之间设置了一个农产品市场,接待深汕与深圳市民,可以将其作为周末乡郊游目的地,集购买、品尝有机食物、河边散步、参观历史村落为多元化休闲体验。耦园链 城 V I L L E O N C H A I N 9609/景观分析The territory of Shenshan 209、contains a wonderful mixture of a river territory,mountains and hills,an intense rural society settled in villages and an active agriculture,creating landscapes typical of each of these ecotones.In the analysis carried out,it has been studied which landscapes to preserve,in order to guarantee the co210、nitnudiad of ecological systems and rural passages.In this way,corridors of passivity and ecology have been created to guarantee that,although in the future,Shenezhen will extend and join with Shenshan,in the corer of the new city,part of its agricultural territories and natural landscapes will prev211、ail.深汕区域包含了河流、山脉和丘陵的完美结合,由村落与农业构成的乡村社会,创造了生态交织的典型景观。分析研究了要保护哪些景观,以保证生态系统和廊道的适应性。通过这种方式建立被动式生态走廊,即使在未来深圳的进一步东扩可能与深汕连接,部分农业区域和生态景观仍将被保留。LANDSCAPEANALYSIS海海滩农田城区河流河流河流农田农田农田城区城区高铁站面向生态园的视觉通廊VIEWS TO THE AGROPARKSIn an eco-city,it is necessary to allow easy access to green and ecological areas from ever212、y office and residential buildings.All buildings have an ecological zone less than 10 minutes away on foot.Each of the project buildings has views towards the eco-parks.在一座生态城市,有必要让每座办公楼和住宅轻松进入绿色和生态区。所有建筑都可以步行10分钟内到达生态园。每个建筑都可以看生态园。1 3 5246102耦园链 城 V I L L EO NC H A I N7 8 9 11 1012水上生活 RIVER LIFE10213、4耦园链 城 V I L L EO NC H A I N农村生活 RURAL LIFE106耦园链 城 V I L L EO NC H A I N古村落 OLD VILLAGE108耦园链 城 V I L L EO NC H A I N镇上生活 NEW VILLAGEAAABACAFAGAHAEAD耦园链 城 V I L L E O N C H A I N 11010/The chain of agroparks allows the development of agricultural activity and other complementary activities such as 214、tourism,gastronomy,sports,research that stimulate the interest from a new public that appreciates the landscape and enviromental value of the agricultural land.The land ocupation with new constructions that will allow to host new activities will never suppose a percentage greater than 5%of the curre215、nt agricultural land.由一系列农业园链接而成,可开展农业活动和其他活动,如旅游、美食、体育、研究,这些活动刺激了新公众的兴趣,他们欣赏农业景观和环境价值。园中新设建筑可举办新的活动,占地不超过当前农业用地的5。田园链CHAIN OF AGROPARK1011121417181213167971.VILLAGE PRESERVATION 村落保护2.RURAL URBAN MARKET CENTRE 城乡市场3.AGRO-HUB 农业中心4.URBAN EDGE AGRICULTURAL PARK 城边农业园5.EDIBLE GARDENS 食用花园6.SOCIAL FARM216、ING 社交种植7.AGRICULTURAL LEARNING 农业学习8.FARMER-INCUBATOR 农民孵化器9.ECO-VILLAGE 生态村10.EDUCATIONAL FARM 教育农场11.HORTICULTURAL TRAINING CENTER 园艺培训中心12.THERAPY GARDENS 治疗花园13.NEXT-GENERATION FARMER CLUB 下一代农民14.DIVERSIFIED PRODUCTION ZONE 多元生产区15.RECREATIONAL PARK 休闲公园16.HOTEL 酒店17.AGROTOURISM 农业旅游18.ENERGY 217、CROPS 能源作物3451568位于高铁站的北侧,利用商务区的居民来发展社交花园。古村落“新城古寨”及池塘具有旅游吸引力。周围散落的房屋将作为旅游民宿进行翻新,新建一个老年公寓。位于赤石河的北部,位于赤石镇和大学区之间,作为社交花园以及基于温室的新农业和生物遗传相关的研究中心。A 园:社会农业与旅游B 园:社会农业与研究Located in the north of the high speed station,this park will used the ppresence of the habitants of the CBD district to develop social ga218、rdens.Likewise,the presence of the traditional village with its pond opposite to the station makes it attractive for tourism.Some of the dispersed houses placed around will be renovated as touristic residence and will built a new residence of the elder people.Located north of the river,near the larg219、est existing village and close to the University makes it compatible with the development of social gardens as well as the development of research centers related to new agriculture and biogenetics based on greenhouses.AGROPARK A:SOCIAL AGRICULTURE AND TOURISMAGROPARK B:SOCIAL AGRICULTURE AND RESEAR220、CH位于赤石河与明热河交汇处以西,高生态价值的农田中间,配置精品酒店、生态旅游,并为与农业问题相关的企业家和小企业设立联合办公空间。位于中央商务区的南侧,包含河道,设立划艇和摩托艇运动俱乐部。CBD南侧与周围山脉相连的横向通道将为艺术家和文化设施提供空间。C园:生态旅游与联合办公D 园:体育与文化Located west of the river confluence,in the middle of a farmland of high ecological value,this agropark will be dedicated to the eco-tourism of boutiqu221、e hotels and the development of co-working spaces for entrepreneurs and small businesses linked to agricultural issues and the environment.Located to the south of the CBD,it contains the appendix of the river,which will contain the sports club for rowing and motor boats.The transversal channel locat222、ed south of CBD that connects with the surrounding mountains will host spaces for artists and the development of cultural facilties.AGROPARK C:ECO-TOURISM AND ENVIRO-COWORKINGAGROPARK D:SPORT AND CULTURE位于东西向高压线走廊与深东大道两侧。该园区研究农业与可再生能源(包括农业废弃物)生产之间的关系。此外,在山地附近,将保留水稻种植与人工林的管理。位于赤石河西岸、湿地附近,充满了有机生活、鸟类和水223、产养殖。该园设置小型酒店、美食以及与河流文化相关的鸟类和动物物种的观察与研究。E园:能源与农业F园:植物园与旅游It is dared by high tension lines and by the highway that crosses Shenshan from east to west.In this park,research will be conducted on the relationship between agriculture and the production of energy through renewable energies,including agric224、ultural waste.Also,in the vicinity of the mountain areas,rice cultivation and the management of forest plantations will be protected.It is located on the west bank of the river,in an area of wetlands,which is full of organic life,birds and aquculture.This park will be used for small hotels,gastronom225、y and the observation and study of birds and species of animals linked to river culture.AGROPARK E:ENERGY AND FARMINGAGROPARK F:BOTANIC AND TOURISM114耦园链 城 V I L L EO NC H A I N位于赤石河东岸,水上生蚝养殖,通过桥连接深汕西部组团。设置一系列餐馆、传统与创新食物生产。位于从赤石河到海滩的走廊,项目区域中央山脉附近。因此,农业活化对于在大量交通基础设施交叉的区域内保持土地的自然特征是至关重要的。山体附近设立一个马术俱乐部,226、用于耐力训练。平坦地势的区域可开展各式自行车运动。G园:美食H 园:体育与农业It is located on the east bank of the river,and is daring on the bridge that connects with the West Group of Shenshan in an area where oysters are grown.It includes a series of restaurants,and areas of traditional and experimental food production.It is located 227、in the corridor that leads from the river to the beach,in the vicinity of the central mountains of the project.Therefore,agicultural activation is fundamental to not lose the natural character of the territory in an area crossed by a large number of infrastructure for mobility.In the vicinity of the228、 mountain there will be a horse club for the practice of endurance,using the central mass of the project.The plain will be also oriented to the practice of various forms of cycling.AGROPARK G:GASTRONOMYAGROPARK H:SPORT AND AGRICULTUREABCDEFGH01/所有大街都配有树木,为行人遮荫,其空间组织创造了不同等级的街道空间。所有街道都有自行车道供自行车与新型个人电动229、出行工具(如平衡车)的使用。树木:自行车:All the avenues have trees that allow the pedestrians to be protected from the sun and allows to organize spatially and create hierarchies within the streets.All the streets have lanes for bicycles and for new forms of electric mobility for personal use.TREESBICYCLE:The district230、s are developed following the continuity of the 4 elements that run along the central avenues of each district or district and that define the character of human scale and mixed functions of Shenshan.这4个要素在深汕的每个城区沿中央大街向周边辐射,定义了深汕人本尺度和混合功能的特点。OVERALL OPEN SPACETHE URBAN CONTINUITY OF FOUR ELEMENTS IN231、 THE PUBLIC SPACE:TREES,BICYCLE,BUS,COMMERCE开放空间公共空间有四种元素形成城市连续性:树木、自行车、公交、商业各城区的所有中央大街被环城公交快线穿过,城区内设迷你巴士做短途接驳,未来可采用无人驾驶。所有的街道配有底商,沿街的咖啡或店铺为公共空间的步行赋予了乐趣。公交:商业:all the central avenues of the districts and districts are crossed by bus and inside the neighborhoods buses are available,in the future self232、-driven for short distance.All the streets have local commerce,so that the streets are always inhabited by coffee or shops that entrust a human character to the walk through the public space.BUSCOMMERCE:耦园链 城 V I L L E O N C H A I N 11601/60m ROAD耦园链 城 V I L L E O N C H A I N 11801/农村道路的保护THE PRESER233、VATION OF RURAL ROADSIf more than 50%of the current urban agricultural area will continue to exist after carrying out the urbanization process,it is essential to preserve the existing rural roads and their associated water networks,in order to provide continuity to the rural villages and their inhab234、itants as well as to new buildings that will accommodate environmentally compatible functions.The rural roads will follow the following principles:-They will have a minimum dimension of 5 meters-They will guarantee the connectivity of all agricultural plots with rural villages.-They should connect w235、ith the avenues and border roads of the new districts-When crossing the center of the ecological corridors,they must cross by means of an elevated or underground passage with the avenues or highways.-The lighting will be produced by beacons,to preserve the rural character of the roads.-Connect build236、ings that incorporate new functions to agricultural land,guaranteeing a minimum parking for them.在实施城市化进程后,如果要实现保留区域范围内50%以上的农业区,则必须保护现有的农村公路及其相关的供水网络,以便为农村及其村民提供持续的服务支撑。新增建筑则须符合绿建标准。乡村道路需遵循以下原则:-路宽最小为5米;-保证所有农业用地与村落的连通性;-与新城区的大道和边界道路相连;-当穿过生态走廊的中心时,它们必须通过高架或地下通道与大道或高速公路交叉;-照明将由信标提供,以保持道路的乡村特色;-将具有新237、功能的公共建筑接入农田,只提供最少的停车位。120耦园链 城 V I L L EO NC H A I N交通组织MOBILITY11/广州深圳珠海香港HongkongZhuhai1.6 million10.7 million7.3 million13.5 millionGuangzhouShenzhen耦园链 城 V I L L E O N C H A I N 12411/人口密度POPULATION DENSITYThe population density in the wider region plays an important role to understand attractor238、s and generators.In terms of density it can be clearly seen that Hongkong is the densest with a lot of population concentrated in small space as compared to Guangzhou-Shenzhen where population is more sparsly distributed.Shenshan lies on the west side of these agglomoration and regional connecitvity239、 plays a vital role in development of this special economic zone地区人口密度对理解城市吸引源与发生机制起着重要作用。就人口密度分布而言,可以清楚地看到,香港的人口密集程度比广州-深圳的更高。深汕位于这些聚集区的东侧,区域交通连通性在深汕特别合作区的发展中起着至关重要的作用。深汕汕尾Shenshan Shanwei 汕尾广州 国际机场深圳 国际机场香港 国际机场广州广州深圳深圳香港香港公路主干道深汕区域国家高速公路GuangzhouShenzhenGuangzhou International airport Shenzhen In240、ternational airport Hongkong International airport Hongkong33minShanwei Shenzhen GuangzhouHongkongNational expressway LegendLegendMotorwayPrimary roadShenshan study area耦园链 城 V I L L E O N C H A I N 12611/汕尾深汕深汕路网结构ROAD HIERARCHYThe development in terms of road conenctivity is served by a highway of241、 national importance.G15 highway runs from Hainan to Beijing along the coast and is important corridor for passenger as well as goods travel.Apart from G15 another highway G324 connects the master plan area with Guangzhou which is one an important attractor in terms of population and density for urb242、an services.In terms of accessibility the closest airport is Shenzhen International airport which is 2hrs by car from the Master plan area.Connectivity towards Honkong is limited and takes more than 3hrs due to restrictions and toll while entering Hongkong zone.Shenshan Shanwei1hr 40min2 hr2 hr 50mi243、n3 hr3hr 40minG 15Shenshan国家高速公路提供了区域连接。G15 高速公路沿海岸线从海南到北京,是出行和货运的重要通道。G324 连接广州与深汕,作为高密度城区间提供城市服务的重要基础设施。在可达性方面,最近的机场是深圳宝安国际机场,距深汕 2 小时车程。由于进入香港地区的限制和收费,与香港的连通性有限,需要 3 个多小时到达。01/深圳 国际机场广州 国际机场深圳香港香港 国际机场汕尾广州深圳香港HongkongShenzhenShenzhen International airport Hongkong International airport Guangzhou 244、International airport 1 hr 20min1 hr2 hr 20min3 hr 40minShanwei Shenzhen GuangzhouHongkongHigh speed railLegendRailwaysPlanned HSR railsMetroHSR stationShenshan study area高铁线路铁路规划高铁线路地铁高铁站深汕区域耦园链 城 V I L L E O N C H A I N 12811/1 hr 20min1 hr2 hr 20min3 hr 40min深汕汕尾铁路交通RAILWAY CONNECTIONSShenshan is245、 located in the special economic zone and has a pivotal position in the region from a connectivity standpoint.There are high speed rail connection to Shenzhen which takes a travel time of about 1hr which can be used as commute times.The closest existing urban centre to the master plan area is Shanwe246、i which can be reached in aboput 30min which is very convinient as an extra urban connection.Furthermore there are 2 new HSR connections planned which will further enrich the connections in the area.As it can be seen from the map thetravel time to Hongkong is more than 3hrs which makes it not so con247、vinient for commute but nevertheless can be used for other kinds of trips.深汕特别合作区从交通连接性的角度来看,在该地区具有举足轻重的地位。深汕与深圳有高铁连接,行程约 1 小时,可作通勤。距离深汕东边最近的城市汕尾,可以在 30 分钟左右到达,作为便利的第二城市连接。此外,还计划建立 2 个新的高铁连接,进一步丰富该地区的连接度。从地图上可以看出,到香港的出行时间超过 3 小时,这使得从香港上下班不太方便,但仍可用于其他类型的出行。Shenshan Shanwei GuangzhouTo XIAMENShenzhenS248、henshanSpecial economic ZoneEBUHoumenShanwei25万人65万人15万人30万人15万人东部组团北部组团南部组团西部组团公共空间Public Space交通循环的公共空间Space for circulation上图非常清楚地表达了一个简单但基本的概念:不同交通方式的空间占用。很明显,乘公交,骑自行车或开车出行,一定数量的人占据的空间不同。应特别注意公共交通模式的重要性,因为它将对深汕建设的质量和可持续性产生直接影响。右图表显示了深汕 5 大组团的人口数量定位,它决定了每天出行次数。在接下来的几页中,我们将对这些出行进行初步量化,以了解对城市及其交通基础249、设施的影响。The images above express very clearly a simple but fundamental concept:the space occupancy of different transport modes.It is clear how a certain number of people occupy a different space if they travel by bus,by bike or by car.The importance of collective modes should be considered with speci250、al attention since it will have a direct impact on the quality and the sustainability of the new development.The diagram on the side shows the main population numbers for the 5 areas of the new city and it gives a sense of the number of trips that every day will be attracted and generated.In the nex251、t pages we will give a preliminary quantification of these trips in order to see the impact on the city and its transport infrastructure.150万人出行次数需求决定交通基础设施70人骑自行车70人乘公交车70个人开汽车70 people by BUS70 people by BIKE70 people by CAR出行产生分析BROAD-BRUSH TRIP GENERATIONBased on the population and jobs numbers,252、the trip generation model aims at giving an order of magnitude of the total number of person trips attracted and generated by the city and by each district in the peak hours.The scenario refers to an average weekday,while the main assumptions at the basis of the excercise are explained in the charts253、 on the right.The table below gives an order of magnitude of the trips generated by the city and the focus area during the peak hour.Active PopulationInternal CapturePeak-hour factorModal ShareCar OccupancyAssessment of attracted and generated trips75%20%45%80%80%PUBLIC PUBLIC TRANSITCARCAR20%20%1.3254、根据人口和工作人数,出行生成模型旨在给出城市每个城区在高峰时段吸引和产生的出行人次总数的数量级。该场景是指平常工作日,主要假设见右侧图表。下表给出了城市重点区域在高峰时段产生的出行的数量级。目的出行人口出行数量估算区域内生高峰交通指数出行方式私家车载人数公交私家整体城市CITY中心区域CORE AREA人口POPULATION1,500,000650,000目的出行人口ACTIVE POP75%1,125,000487,500学生或者工作者People that work or study不活跃出行人口RETENTION FACTOR20%225,00097,500工作和居住地在同一个区域Wo255、rk and live in the same district通勤人口COMMUTERS80%900,000390,000公交或者自驾去工作Ride PT or drive to work高峰交通指数PH FACTOR45%405,000175,500高峰时段出行人口Move during ph小汽车出行人口pp on car101,25043,875人数/小时pers/h载客指数car occupancy1.3车辆出行vehicle trips77,88533,750车辆/小时veh/h公交出行人口pp on PT303,750131,625人数/小时pers/h132耦园链 城 V I 256、L L EO NC H A I NPerson-trips attracted and generated by each districts in the AM and PM peak hour.早晚高峰时段,每个地区产生的出行人次。DistrictInhab.JobsINOUTINOUTD1230000120,00033,30056,92544,27525,900D210000200008,1002,4751,9256,300D350000200004,50012,3759,6253,500D440000150003,1509,9007,7002,450D52000050004504,95257、03,850350D61500050009003,7132,888700D770000200002,70017,32513,4752,100D8600006000021,60014,85011,55016,800D910000200008,1002,4751,9256,300D101200005000011,70029,70023,1009,100D115000100001,2389630D1230000150004,0507,4255,7753,150AMPMD4D12D5D6D7D8D9D1D3D2D11D4D12D5D6D7D8D9D1D3D2D11TRIP GENERATIONAM-P258、EAKTRIP GENERATIONPM-PEAKINOUTINOUT早高峰出行人次晚高峰出行人次公共交通PUBLIC TRANSPORT LAYERSGiven the magnitude and size of the new masterplan,it is essential that it is well connected to its sorroundings also in terms of public transport.Fast and convenient connections to main surrounding cities will be ensured by259、 the new planned high speed and inter-city trains.As far as the Shenshan internal mobility is concerned various transport modes have been taken into consideration.In the table below we compare the capacity and characteristics of various modes of transport,among which are highlighted the three main t260、ransit systems that will be capable of carrying the demand estimated in the previous pages.Building an efficient public transport network鉴于深汕规划规模,在公共交通方面,它与周围地区的连接也很重要。新规划的高铁和城铁将确保与主要周边城市的快速便捷连接。就深汕内部流动性而言,已考虑各种交通方式。在下表中,我们比较了各种交通方式的容量和特性,突出显示了能够承载预测需求的三个主要交通系统。Backbone City-level connections城市级干线Co261、re Area Loop Line核心区环线Last mile solution最后一公里接驳建立高效的公共交通网络CategoryTypical Operating Speed 时速Frequency (peak)车次Vehicle Capacity(passengers)载客量 Line Capacity(pphpd)线路容量Metro 地铁60 km/h1-0.5 min100-120040,000 45,000Light Railway 轻轨60 km/h1-2 min200-50012000-30000Bus Rapid Transit(BRT)25-35 km/h0.5-5 min262、80-16010,000-18,000Streetcar 私家车25-35 km/h15m2053018Range passage范围通道520MAXIMUM GFALOCATION MAP最大总建筑面积区位图Commercial maximum occupation商业最大占用Commercial minimum occupation商业最小占用Public max.GFA公共最大总建筑面积Housing maximum occupation居住最大占用Commercial max.GFA商业最大总建筑面积Public maximum occupation公共最大占用Housing max.263、GFA住宅最大总建筑面积Green minimum occupation绿地最小占用Security perimeter安全周边TotalTotalMax.height最大高度Underground地下24310013016019045%min.occupation45%最小占用52%max.occupation52%最大占用3%passage3%通道Block surface街区占地16 000 m2Height高度24m.max.最大24米Number of residents居民数量400-500 ppl.400-500人Ground floor底层Commercial商业Undergr264、ound地下1 level1级180耦园链 城 V I L L EO NC H A I N高密度住宅混合街区MIX USE BLOCK WITH DENSE HOUSINGScale 1:2000Limit of the plotStreet axisPublic building limits比例1:2000地块边界街道轴公共建筑边界GROUND FLOOR OCCUPATION2300 m225500 m25600 m220500 m23300 m233500 m23000 m21800 m216000 m2204000 m2底层占用Scale 1:4000比例1:4000Undergro265、und floor地下层Max.occupation最大占用2053018Range passageMAXIMUM GFALOCATION MAP最大总建筑面积区位图Commercial maximum occupation商业最大占用Commercial minimum occupation商业最小占用Public max.GFA公共最大总建筑面积Housing maximum occupation居住最大占用Commercial max.GFA商业最大总建筑面积Public maximum occupation公共最大占用Housing max.GFA住宅最大总建筑面积Green mini266、mum occupation绿地最小占用Security perimeter安全周边TotalTotalMax.height com.Max.height housing最大高度Underground地下24310013016019040%min.occupation40%最小占用10040%min.occupation40%最小占用Block surface街区占地16 000 m2Height高度100m.max.最大100米Number of residents居民数量1800-2300 ppl.1800-2300人Ground floor底层Commercial商业Undergroun267、d地下2 level2级高密度办公混合街区MIX USE BLOCK WITH DENSE OFFICESScale 1:2000Limit of the plotStreet axisPublic building limits比例1:2000地块边界街道轴公共建筑边界Ground floor occupation5000 m225500 m23600 m2134800 m22700 m222700 m22700 m21600 m216000 m2183000 m2底层占用Scale 1:4000比例1:4000Underground floor地下层Max.occupation15m205268、3018Range passage520Maximum GFALocation map最大总建筑面积区位图Commercial maximum occupation商业最大占用Commercial minimum occupation商业最小占用Public max.GFA公共最大总建筑面积Housing maximum occupation居住最大占用Commercial max.GFA商业最大总建筑面积Public maximum occupation公共最大占用Housing max.GFA住宅最大总建筑面积Green minimum occupation绿地最小占用Security p269、erimeter安全周边TotalTotalMax.height com.Super core height商业最大高度地标建筑高度Underground地下24710013016019070%Max.occupation70%最大占用10025Normal height1503030Width Max.30m.Tower最大宽度30米塔楼Block surface街区占地16 000 m2Height高度100m.max./150m.super core最大100米Number of residents居民数量300-400 ppl.300-400人Ground floor底层Commerc270、ial商业Underground地下2 level2级182耦园链 城 V I L L EO NC H A I N增加村落密度VILLAGE DENSIFICATIONScale 1:2000Limit of the plotStreet axisPublic building limits比例1:2000地块边界街道轴公共建筑边界Actual GFA Housing-Commercial75%现状建筑总面积(居住、商业)Location map区位图Built m2建筑面积Commercial area商业区Housing area住房面积300%growthMax.heightNew ho271、using addition 商业最大高度新增居住(6层)10248Future GFA Housing-Commercial未来建筑面积-商业2481812646 floorsCommercial use商业用途Future sectionActual section未来剖面现状剖面ActualFuture现状未来Block surface街区占地16 000 m2Height高度24m.max最大24米Ground floor底层Commercial商业Underground地下-混合高层住宅MIX USE HOUSING TOWERScale 1:2000Limit of the plo272、tStreet axisPublic building limits比例1:2000地块边界街道轴公共建筑边界Ground floor occupation50%4500 m214%7500 m2700000 m220%10%100%712000 m2底层占用Scale 1:4000比例1:4000Underground floor地下层20530Maximum GFALocation map最大总建筑面积区位图Commercial maximum occupation商业最大占用Public max.GFA公共最大总建筑面积Housing maximum occupation居住最大占用Co273、mmercial max.GFA商业最大总建筑面积Public maximum occupation公共最大占用Housing max.GFA住宅最大总建筑面积Green minimum occupation绿地最小占用Security perimeter安全周边TotalUnderground地下24770%Max.occupation70%最大占用100Max.height最大高度150250Max.height public公共最大高度70%Max.occupation70%最大占用Height高度100m.max.最大100米Number of residents居民数量8000-11274、000 ppl.8000-11000人Ground floor底层Commercial商业Underground地下2 level2级184耦园链 城 V I L L EO NC H A I N乡村活化VILLAGE AND RURAL ACTIVATIONScale 1:2000比例1:2000Location map区位图150250Ground floor occupation5%底层占用Actual Housing occupation居住占用Actual Green occupation绿地占用Buildable surface可建设占地面积&垂直绿化塔楼TOWERS OF STAC275、KED PLANTSScale 1:2000比例1:2000Location map区位图Ground floor occupation15%底层占用Actual Housing occupation居住占用Actual Green occupation绿地占用Buildable surface可建设占地面积&60Max.height最大高度186耦园链 城 V I L L EO NC H A I N独立街区ISOLATED BLOCKSScale 1:2000Limit of the plotStreet axisPublic building limits比例1:2000地块边界街道轴公共276、建筑边界48000 m248000 m240000 m2Scale 1:4000比例1:4000Underground floor地下层20530Maximum GFALocation map最大总建筑面积区位图Public max.GFA公共最大总建筑面积Commercial max.GFA商业最大总建筑面积Housing max.GFA住宅最大总建筑面积Underground地下30313060100%min.occupation100%最小占用100%min.occupation100%最小占用303012Max.height最大高度一区:中央商务区DISTRICT 1:HIGH SPE277、ED PLUG-IN CBD01/中心组团北片区的中心城区,建在高铁站、城铁站南侧,是深汕最主要的交通枢纽。空间组织由一个正交网格构成,街区网格组织所有住宅、商业与公共设施,如学校、医院、图书馆、体育馆。周边是绿地、生态走廊和农业园,为深汕CBD提供了更多有趣的内容,增加更多价值。高铁站山丘外形是对场地原有山丘的溯源。District 1 is the center of the northern subdistrict and is founded to the south of the intermodal train station of high velocity,intercity,278、BRT and taxi,being the node with the best communication of Shenshan.The spatial organization is structured with an orotogonal grid,which organizes all the residential,commercial and neighborhood facilities such as schools,institute,hospitals,library,for its residents as well as some of the metropoli279、tan scale sports facilities.In its perimeter are green areas,environmental corridors and agricultural areas that make it even more interesting and add more value to the Shenzhen CBD.The station has the shape of the hills that have been necessary to demolish to build the district.2 10 11 12 132019197280、2125228 9 612 34514耦园链 城 V I L L E O N C H A I N 18813/1.HIGH-SPEED TRAIN STATION,INTERCITY TRAINSTATION高铁站,城际车站2.MAIN AVENIUE中轴线3.COMMERCIAL AND OFFICES商业与办公4.CONCERT HALL音乐厅5.THEATER AND CINEMA剧院和电影院6.ART MUSEUM美术馆7.MULTIFUNCTION SPORTS STADIUM多功能体育场8.BASKETBALL STADIUM 中央大街9.SWIMMING POOL 游泳池10.V281、ILLAGE DENSIFICATION村落 增加密度11.COMPREHENSIVE HOSPITAL综合医院12.CITY LIBRARY市图书馆13.SENIOR HIGH SCHOOLS WITH DORMITORY 寄宿制高中14.PRIMARY+JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOLS小学与初中15.ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDING 行政大楼16.POLICE STATION 派出所17.CULTURAL CENTER文化中心18.KINDERGARTEN AND PRIMARY SCHOOLS幼儿园和小学14161517181924232619.PARK 公园20.D282、ATA CENTER 数据中心21.AGROPARK A:SOCIAL AGRICULTURE ANDTOURISMA 园:社会农业与旅游22.AGROPARK C:ECO-TOURISM ANDENVIRO-COWORKING C 园:生态旅游与联合办公23.AGROPARK D:SPORT AND CULTURED 园:体育与文化24.LANDSCAPE PARK 景观公园25.OPEN WATERSPORT CENTER水上运动中心26.ELDERLY RESIDENCE 养老院开放空间的设计遵循4个连续性原则。所有街区都被设计成一个可步行街区,北端的高铁站起到了参照点的作用。以周边山体283、环境为参照系,街区网格结构提供了明确的方向感。一区:开放空间The open space is designed following the principles of 4 continuities described for all projects.All the districts have been designed as a walkeable district,with the reference in the north from the High Speed train station.The grid structure allows a clear orientation 284、and a permanent reference to the mountains and territory around the district.DISTRICT 1:OPEN SPACE非中心区建筑最大高度为100米,以留出周围山丘的视野,中央商务区的中心区建筑高度将达到150米。一区有3个级别的混合用途模式:1级:街区100 x 200米2级:混合使用邻里社区800 x 800 米3级:宜居宜业城区1500 x 1500 米一区:建筑形态Its maximum height is 100 meters,to preserve the vision of the surroundin285、g hills,with the exception of the central zone of the CBD that will reach 150 meters.In district 1 can be recognized the three scales of the mixed-use city model of 3 levels:LEVEL 1:Street Block of 100 x200 mLEVEL 2:Mix Use Neigborhood 800 x800LEVEL 3:Living and working Urban District of 1500 x1500D286、ISTRICT 1:BUILDING FORM由60米或40米街道网格构成,城区的东西两端为南北向城市快速路通道。该区的中心轴由BRT环线通过。城区内设小型公交提供短距离出行,未来可采用无人驾驶技术。比邻的城区,北侧两个,西侧一个,南侧一个,在功能上与1区相辅相成,包括大学、艺术与文化中心,以及与社会或文化基础设施。一区:交通组织The district is organized with a grid of avenues and roads following the dimensions of 60m and 40m for the overall city.In the two ver287、tical limits has two fast avenues that connect to the south districts.The district is covered in its central axis by the loop and central lines of BRT.In its interior a miniloop of bus will allow short distance displacements,that in the medium term will work with self-driven minibuses without.The di288、stricts located around it,two to the north,one to the west and another to the south,are functionally complemented with district 1,including the university,art and cultural center,and social or cultural infrastructures complimentary with the activities of the district.DISTRICT 1:TRAFFIC ORGANIZATION1289、90耦园链 城 V I L L EO NC H A I NPLOT BASEPODIUM VOLUME PUBLIC BUILDINGSUSTAINABILITYMATERIALITY1302001901202415-30SETBACKS247155.58.515-30Green rooftops with microhabitatsGardenHanging gardensGreen Facades and wallsRainwater accumulation tankPond:infiltration and accumulation of rainwaterBLOCK RULES125290、m.max.height1570590PassagePatio地块大小退线详情可持续性裙房体量-公共建筑街区规则材料绿色屋顶花园绿色立面与墙面空中花园雨水蓄积池池塘:雨水的渗透与积累HousingComercialPublic住房公共 商业八区:山海市民中心DISTRICT 8:PEOPLE-MOUNTAIN-SEA CIVIC CENTER01/八区是中心组团南片区的中心区,是深汕的行政中心。它的布局遵循传统风水原则,坐北向南,山阻挡了北风,面向大海开放。该城区为正交网格布局,中轴带为中央大道公园,从北端的行政大楼往南分布着文化、社会等公共建筑,可开展多重类型的活动。这条大道还设有深汕城际列291、车站(地下),连接深圳与位于北片区的高铁站,BRT环线也从这里经过。District 8 is the center of the southern sub-district and hosts the administrative center of Shenshan.Its layout follows the traditional principles of feng-shui protecting itself from the north winds on a mountain and opening to the south,towards the sea.The distric292、t has an orthogonal mesh N/S,covered with a central avenue-park,which will have permanent activity with cultural,social and administrative buildings of different height and form.This avenue also houses the underground station of the intercity train that connects with Shenzhen and the high-speed stat293、ion located to the north and is crossed by the LOOP line of BRT.7112 121391012 43568731415耦园链 城 V I L L E O N C H A I N 19214/1.SHENSHAN CITY COUNCIL行政中心2.MAIN ADMINISTRATIVE BUILDINGS主行政大楼3.INTERCITY TRAIN STOP城际车站 4.CITY PARK城市公园5.SKYWALK 天桥6.COMMERCIAL AND OFFICES商业与办公7.PRIMARY+JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL294、S小学与初中8.INTERNATIONAL ART MUSEUM国际艺术博物馆9.CITY LIBRARY 市图书馆10.THEATER 剧院11.CITY OBSERVATORY城市观景台12.VILLAGES DENSIFICATION村落 增加密度13.SENIOR HIGH SCHOOLS WITH DORMITORY寄宿高中14.AGROPARK H:SPORT AND AGRICULTUREH 园:体育与农业15.ATHLETICS SPORTS CENTER田径运动中心位于行政大楼前面的公园被一条水道穿过,分布着一系列泻湖,树木种植园,表达深汕历史上水的重要性以及深汕的未来。中央295、大道穿过北边的行政大楼,与城市的中心山(乐山)相连,通过一条上山小路到达山顶观景点,作为整个深汕的“城市之眼”。八区:开放空间The park located in front of the municipal building is crossed by a water channel and is occupied by a series of lagoons,tree plantations and umbraccles,which shows the importance of water in history and the future of the Shenshan territ296、ory.The avenue crosses the administrative boundary to the north and connects with the central mountain of the city,which can be accessed by a path that leads to a viewpoint and finally to the top,which is the central eye of the city.DISTRICT 8:OPEN SPACE主要行政大楼,有一个树装结构,作为一个保护型和生产型的森林,根据分布式的深汕城市模型,其下面297、聚合形式建筑体代表不同市政部门,透明材料的使用体现政府的开放、高效和公共性。八区:建筑形态透明和生态的树状结构作为深汕的象征。The main administrative building of the City Council,has a tree structure,which acts as a protective and productive forest,under which are located the different municipal facilities that are built in aggregate form,following the distribu298、ted urban model of Shenshan,with transparent materials to manifest the open,efficient and public nature of the administration.DISTRICT 8:BUILDING FORMA TRANSPARENT AND ECOLOGICAL ARBORIST STRUCTURE AS A SYMBOL OF THE CITY.由60米或40米街道网格构成,城区的东西两端为南北向城市快速路通道。该区的中心轴由BRT环线通过。城区内设小型公交提供短距离出行,未来可采用无人驾驶技术。比299、邻的城区,北侧两个,西侧一个,南侧一个,在功能上与1区相辅相成,包括大学、艺术与文化中心,以及与社会或文化基础设施。八区:交通组织The district is organized with a grid of avenues and roads following the dimensions of 60m and 40m for the overall city.In the two vertical limits has two fast avenues that connect to the south districts.The district is covered in its 300、central axis by the loop and central lines of BRT.In its interior a miniloop of bus will allow short distance displacements,that in the medium term will work with self-driven minibuses without.The districts located around it,two to the north,one to the west and another to the south,are functionally 301、complemented with district 1,including the university,art and cultural center,and social or cultural infrastructures complimentary with the activities of the district.DISTRICT 8:TRAFFIC ORGANIZATION196耦园链 城 V I L L EO NC H A I NPLOT BASESUSTAINABILITYMATERIALITY180180120100165PARK-PUBLIC BUILDINGS公园302、与公共建筑15-20Green rooftops with microhabitatsGardenHanging gardensGreen Facades and wallsRainwater accumulation tankPond:infiltration and accumulation of rainwaterFUNCTIONS功能100m.max.heightHousingComercialPublicIntercity Station 城际火车站80203535地块大小可持续性材料绿色屋顶花园绿色立面与墙面空中花园雨水蓄积池池塘:雨水的渗透与积累住房公共 商业MASSING 体块303、行政中心SHENSHAN CITY COUNCIL 高铁站HIGH SPEED TRAIN STATION建筑外墙FAADESWood Louvres 木百叶Special Wood Pattern 特制木制面板竹制网格可变砖板Bamboo MeshMetallic Mulions 金属竖框Variable Brick PanelsBrick Panels 砖板Metallic Mulions 金属竖框生态城市的建筑外墙使用木、砖等生态建材,与植物元素结合,以及发展自供能建筑、分布式水与能源管理系统。The buildings of an ecological city should be e304、cological.Therefore,the use of ecological materials in the facades(such as wood or brick),the incorporation of plant elements,as well as the development of self-sufficient buildings,new distributed water and energy management models,are encouraged.Variable Metallic Mulions 可变金属竖框Metallic Mulions 金属竖305、框Metallic Mulions 木质框架结构Metallic Mulions 金属竖框Metallic Louvres 金属百叶Metallic Louvres 金属百叶Wood Mullions 木制竖框Horizontal wood elements 水平木元素Variable Wood Mullions 可变木竖框Wood Panels 木板Variable Wood Panels 可变木板Horizontal Metal Bars 水平金属条滨河RIVER15/赤石河流经项目的长度为15公里,两岸集中了最大面积的需要保护的农田。建议改造和扩建现有的村落,在赤石河与明热河交汇处建立一306、个邻里商业区,在第2区的北部地区,设立大学和科技园。在河的中间区域,为了保护湿地,建议在崎岖的地形区域建立5和6区,主要是居住区。The river crosses the project with a length of 15 km in length.The largest number of protected agricultural spaces is concentrated on its sides.It also proposes to reform and expand the largest existing village to create a social and c307、ommercial district at the confluence of the river.Also in the northern zone,in district 2,it is proposed to locate the university and a technological park.In the middle zone of the river,it is proposed to create two districts,number 5 and 6,mostly residential,located on areas of rugged terrain,in or308、der to protect the wetlands.耦园链 城 V I L L E O N C H A I N 204防洪FLOODING河流两岸都保留了被洪水淹没的区域,作为农业发展区与蓄洪区。A flooded area has been maintained on both banks of the river,as an area for the development of agriculture but also to protect against potential flooding.海滩BEACH15/深汕有一个长而宽的未被城市化的海滩。我们的方案旨在创造一个低密度的滨海309、立面,包括一条长4公里,宽30米的滨海长廊,滨海一线海景的公寓与小型酒店限高12米。二线海景建筑限高30米,用于健养酒店与公寓。Shenshan has a long and wide beach still not urbanized.Our project contemplates creating a low density marine faade.The project would include a seafront promenade of 4 km long and 30 m wide,with residential buildings and small hotels 12310、 meters high on the seafront.The second line would be occupied by buildings of up to 30 meters high intended for hotels,homes and buildings related to health and well-being.We propose to develop the project in 4 phases:Phase 1:It is proposed to start at the administrative center,because it has easy 311、access using current infrastructures and in order to reaffirm the symbolic importance of disitrict 8.It is also proposed to build the N/S fast roads.Phase 2:In the event that the high-speed station is executed in the short term,it is proposed that the second phase be focused on developing the statio312、n and District 1.Phase3:it is proposed to build the complementary districts to the central districts.In the case of the northern zone,they are districts 2 and 3.In the southern zone,districts 7 and 10.It would include also the development of the beach area with district 9.Phase 4:it is proposed to b313、uild the less dense districts that mainly concentrate homes(districts 4,5 and 11)as well as district 12 that is built near the East West highway.建议分四个阶段阶段1:建议从行政中心开始,因为它可以使用当前的基础设施轻松到达,并显示行政中心在深汕的重要性。还建议建立南北快速路。阶段2:如果高铁站在短期内实施,建议第二阶段的重点是开发高铁站和中央商务区。阶段3:建设中心区周边城区。在北片区,它们是第2和第3区。在南片区,第7和第10区。还包括9区的海滩区314、。阶段4:建设密度较低的地区,主要为居住区(4区,5区和11区)以及深东大道附近的12区。开发时序PHASES耦园链 城 V I L L E O N C H A I N 20816/In order to better use the topographic conditions of the land,it is proposed to extend the project line with an area of 150Ha(2.5%of total)in order to make the most comprehensive development.为了更好地利用场地的地形条件,建议扩大项目边界,新增面积为150 公顷(占总面积的2.5),以便实行更全面的开发。项目边界LIMITS50 km251.6 km2210耦园链 城 V I L L EO NC H A I N场地综合比较mountains 山地 agriculture 农业water 水体new land for development 农业villages 农业infrastructure开发前开发后SITE SYNTHESIS COMPARISONBEFORE 6435%305328335321AFTER